Liturgy In Malankara Liturgy

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Liturgy is the source of spirituality for the Oriental Christians and spirituality is living the faith celebrated in liturgy. Thus, spirituality is necessarily liturgical spirituality. For Malankara Catholic Church liturgical prayers are the real sources of theological synthesis.
Oriental theology is synonymous with spirituality. Spirituality is ‘living the faith’ in the Church. This is one and same faith is celebrated in the liturgy. Thus for the Orientals spirituality is necessarily related to liturgy and therefore called liturgical spirituality. Theologizing is contemplating on the mystery celebrated and lived after the celebration. The way of life of a Church (spirituality …show more content…

This chapter is an attempt to understand the task of typology in Malankara liturgy and henceforth in its spirituality.
2.1 Faith, Liturgy and Spirituality
The foundation that determines all activities that constitute the life of a Christian, especially those actions that may be termed “spiritual” or “liturgical” is faith. Spirituality and liturgy reflects the lived faith of a Christian. Hence, faith becomes the most appropriate starting point for any consideration of liturgy and spirituality. “Faith is termed as a human response to God’s revelation.” “It is a free assent involving the whole person under the influence of grace.” “It includes the submission of Intellect.” “The story of God’s call to Abraham and Abraham’s ready response stands as a significant paradigm in both the Old and New Testaments for the kind of confident dependence on God which should mark the life of those who profess to be believers.” …show more content…

The prayers and the liturgical practices of the Malankara Church are formulated and arranged in such a way that they give the faithful the experience of history of salvation in a meaningful manner and henceforth help the faithful to grow and attain spiritual maturity.
2.3 Malankara Liturgical Typology
The Malankara liturgy is deeply interwoven with the Bible and biblical tradition. The semantic symbolism of the Bible is used throughout the liturgical texts. Therefore, active participation and the experience of the prayers would provide the faithful a meaningful initiation into biblical world and henceforth enriches their spirituality. It is in this regard typology plays a prominent role in Malankara catholic liturgical spirituality
Liturgical typology directly derives it methodology from Pauline Typology. For the Fathers of the Church typology was the method of doing theology. Biblical typology was elaborated by the Fathers of the Church in the form of prose and poetry and these were later adopted into liturgy. Thus, we have the treasure of liturgical typology. The typologies found in Malankara liturgy very clearly bring forth the theological

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