
The Struggles And Impact Of MLK

783 Words4 Pages

Alyssa Eisenberg
Mr.Sidel & Ms. Bidwell
English 8
2 March 2023 The Struggles and Impact of MLK
Martin Luther King Jr is one of the most well-known civil rights leaders in history. He is known for speaking the truth and sacrificing whatever matters to him so he could stick up for the colored community and the United States. Throughout his life he has been to jail nearly 30 times but has never given up, he has risked his own life and his families to make a difference. Though many people do not agree with his ways, he demonstrates how one person can have an impact on world events and risk all he has.
As most of society knows who Martin Luther King Jr is they know how vocal he was in the fight against segregation. Most rebels and protesters during these ages had to sacrifice and pay for standing up for the right thing, though this is not fair they were forced to. Martin Luther King Jr in his time as leading the civil rights movement had attacks on his family and his work, his family and his home was bombed by the segregationists protesting not …show more content…

One well known leader of the movement was Malcom X, Martin and Malcolm’s banter throughout the movement was the friendly kind, But they had one big difference in getting their message across. Malcolm X resorted in violence against white people to imprint a message about racism while Martin Luther King used a nonviolent tactic and befriended some white leaders that would help him spread his words. Though many people agree with Malcom X’s strong ways of getting the message across, both leaders have an effective way of spreading their ideas. In the Autobiography of MLK they devote a chapter of the book to explain the relationship between Martin and Malcolm, chapter 25 “All of these were signs of a man with passion and zeal seeking a program through which he could channel his talents.” Although they seem

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