
Cold War Definition

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After the Second World War, a state of political tension arouse between the powers in the eastern part of the globe and powers in the western part of the globe. This state of geopolitical tension was termed as the Cold War. Complex interrelationships and competition between the Soviet Union and the United States gave rise to a sustained struggle for global domination from 1945 to 1990. I argue that, although the Cold War was primarily constructed as a conflict between the First World and Second World, it’s outcome was thought to be determined in this third world. This is supported by the extensive attention given by America and Soviet Union in the domestic affairs of emerging third world countries.
On February, 1974, Mao Zedong, the former chairman of the Communist party of China, introduced his thesis “Three Worlds” in front of Kenneth Kaunda: the president of Zambian at that time. The chief claim of this thesis was that the world was …show more content…

Washington backed Egypt and Israel along with the support of Syria which was considered more radical regimes became allies of the Soviet. Both United States and Soviet supported different sides in the Middle East Arab-Israel conflicts. United States backed the Zionist state, which a policy supported by Americans of Jewish affiliation and United States became Israel’s main diplomatic sponsor and weapons provider. Whereas, the Soviet Union supported the cause of Arab nationalism and Palestinian statehood, this followed by the wars erupted in 1956, 1967 and 1973. While all these conflicts the Washington and Moscow had found a common language in order to communicate and work together to prevent themselves from the case of any wars. All these conflicts between the nations combine to form a cold war around the

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