
Unit 3 Assignment 1 Biotechnology Answers

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1. A viruses is a non-living infection agent and can be found anywhere. it has no cell organelles. They are eliminated by the immune system. Viruses are the smallest in size of all the microbes. they may attack almost any living organism. Viruses will invade a cell in the body and uses part of the cell to multiple causing new viruses to produce. Bacteria are much larger than viruses. they live everywhere. many bacteria will not cause an infection. Bacteria multiple itself by division. Viruses and bacteria both are microscopic, contain proteins, and cause disease.
2. (a) A vector is known as an infected insect that carries the disease from one animal to another and from one plant to another. The difference between a vector and a host is a vector is the …show more content…

Microarray technology is a emerging technology that is use to study many types of genes all at once. The importance of microarray technology is allows researchers to address issues that may come about. Microarray possess a large amount of genes.
9. EPA stands for Environmental Protection Agency. EPA protects the health of humans and the environment by enforcing laws. CDC stands for Center for Disease Control. CDC is a federal agency which falls under the Department of Health and Human Services. It’s main purpose is to protect eh public health and safety. NIH stands for National Institutes of Health. NIH is dedicated to medical research and it falls under the Department of Health and Human Services also.
10. The four major causes of changes in allele frequency in population are Genetic Drift, Natural Selection, Mutations, and Non-Random mating. Natural selection focused on increasing of the gene pool, due to changes in the environment. Mutations deals with the production of DNA cells based on a natural selection by chance. Genetic Drift is solely based on changes and has nothing to do with natural selection. Non-Random mating deals with that populations that chooses their mates based of their

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