Vivekananda Philosophy Of Education Essay

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Knowledge is actually inherited within a person and not from external sources; it is already embedded in the human’s mind. The stimulus from education is the causes that multiply and widen the knowledge. That is why Vivekananda stated that education is actually the manifestation of the perfection already in man (1993: p.55). Manifestation actually means that something already exists and just waiting to be expressed. In other words, it is the order of making inner or hidden ability to be manifested to the best quality. It also indicated spontaneous growth and man learns from what he discovers, taking cover off his own soul, which is a mine of infinite knowledge (Vivekananda, 1993: p. 54). In his philosophy, Vivekananda definition of education is based from the expression already a man. It is referred to as the potential in a person (i.e. abilities, …show more content…

In his view, education can be simplified by the acquisitions of knowledge, practical skills and values in particular period and culture. The aim of education according to al-Farabi is to guide individual towards perfection because human was created for this purpose. He goes further by saying that “humanity in this world is to gain happiness which is the absolute good and also the highest perfection” (Al-Farabi, 1983: p. 61). Perfect human being (al insal al kamil) is a person that acquired knowledge, virtue and moral values and by acquiring these, a person would be responsible of political leadership and model for the rest. In his philosophy of education, he combines moral and aesthetic values (i.e. beautiful and beauty is good) and the beautiful is most valued by scholars (al-Farabi, 1982: p.

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