
Was The Battle Of Gettysburg A Turning Point

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The Turning Point of the War The Battle of Gettysburg has forever been known as one of the most important battles in the Civil War. Although that is a true statement, it is appalling that some people believe that the Battle of Vicksburg was more important than the Battle of. Gettysburg. Vicksburg isn’t in the same level as Gettysburg because if the Union hadn’t won the Battle of Gettysburg, there probably wouldn’t have been a Battle of Vicksburg. The Battle of Gettysburg was far more important than the Battle of Vicksburg because of the variety of tactics used, the large number of casualties, and how it affected ordinary people in the proximity of the battle. During the Battle of Gettysburg, there was a variation of of different weapons and …show more content…

Gettysburg was the best battle to exemplify the new things that war included. With revolvers that could be reloaded three times a minute(Artillery Weapons), war was evolving. Both sides had swords, bayonets and muzzles that were five feet long and nine pounds(Artillery Weapons). Not only that but the new cannons that were introduced where deadly accurate.for a far as a mile which was a very far range(Artillery Weapons). This battle introduced the new weapons and strategies which were far more advanced than Vicksburg and any other battle in the …show more content…

for both armies. This wasn’t like a one day battle where someone would wake up and go to sleep in the amount of peace they could find. No, they slept and ate through this while hearing their friends dying in the distance. 51,112 men physically suffered that day(Battle of Gettysburg), many more suffered mentally, this is why Gettysburg was far more important than Vicksburg, because it tested their mental strength, not only physical. Vicksburg only had 37,402 casualties(Vicksburg) and didn’t last nearly as long. The Battle of Gettysburg didn’t just affect the soldiers either, like Vicksburg did, Gettysburg affected everyday people who were just trying to

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