
We Were Liars Sparknotes

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In E. Lockhart's novel "We Were Liars," the development of the protagonist, Cadence Sinclair Eastman, showcases a compelling exploration of identity. Cadence undergoes a profound transformation, moving through the stages of self-discovery, denial, and ultimately acceptance, as she grapples with the truth surrounding her family's tragic past. Lockhart skillfully employs symbolism and foreshadowing to emphasize Cadence's evolving sense of self, as seen in her connection with the color white and her recurring migraines. Through these techniques, Lockhart highlights the significance of self-realization and the inherent complexities of identity. The initial stage of Cadence's development revolves around self-discovery, as she seeks to understand her place within the Sinclair family and their privileged world on Beechwood Island. She yearns to fit in with her older cousins, Johnny and Mirren, as well as the enigmatic Gat. Lockhart employs the symbol of the color white to represent Cadence's desire for purity and acceptance. Cadence describes the Sinclair family's attire on the island, stating, "We are all blonde, and fair, and elegant. Delicate. White" (Lockhart 9). The repeated association of white with the Sinclair family …show more content…

When Cadence suffers from debilitating migraines that erase her memories of the previous summer, she adamantly refuses to accept the truth about her accident and the events leading up to it. Lockhart skillfully employs foreshadowing through Cadence's migraines, which she describes as "tiny sharp hammers" and "vise grip[s]" (Lockhart 10). These descriptions signify the pain Cadence experiences when confronting the truth, metaphorically mirroring the psychological toll of self-discovery. Her denial becomes a defense mechanism to protect herself from the harsh realities she cannot yet comprehend, further complicating her search for

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