Essay On Weight Loss

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Most people today want to have more, have better, run faster and fly higher. Never say enough! In this environment finding a healthy weight loss routine can be even more difficult.

People have more appliances, conveniences and processed foods to cut down on preparation time and clean up than ever before. But people are heavier. And they are busier than ever before. Conveniences are supposed to cut down on the number of hours spent on preparation, but people have filled those hours with more things and spending less time with their families.

Weight and stress related diseases are at their peak. Two thirds of Americans are overweight and 1/3 of those are obese. Cardiac disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer are at an all time high. (1) …show more content…

But finding a healthy weight loss alternative may be difficult to find with the number of prescription and over the counter supplements that adversely affect the …show more content…

One rule is to drink 4 oz of water for every hour you are awake. The toxins and waste products is flushed from your body by drinking water. You can judge your hydration level by the color of your urine. If you urine has color you need to drink more! Sometimes just remember to drink 8 – 12 ounces of water each time you visit the bathroom.

In a healthy weight loss program you will also participate in exercise at least 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes. It doesn’t have to rigorous. You can walk for 30 minutes each day and you’ll get some health benefits without the sweating, grunting and groaning of the exercise guru. As your level of fitness improves, you may find you want to increase your workouts.

A healthy weight loss program is achievable for anyone! There is no one who can’t lose weight when they truly want to; when they ask for the help they need to keep their motivation high and when they get the support they need to make their goals a reality. Too often people are focused on weight loss for a short time and then life gets in the way. Healthy weight loss is not a ‘diet’, it is a way of life that is maintained for

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