
What Are The Long Term Causes Of World War I Dbq

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In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many long-term and short-term causes led to World War I, which engrossed the entire globe. Based on the historical evidence presented, one can conclude that the following were all causes of World War I: militarism, alliances, territory issues, nationalism, tensions between Serbia and Austria-Hungary, and the view that war was simply unavoidable.
During this time period, many countries were becoming more aggressive militarily by strengthening their militaries. The chart shows that Great Britain, France, and Germany had the highest per capita expenditures on armaments, but all nations had nonetheless increased expenditures (doc 10). In this arms race, the attempt to build up a strong army and navy gave …show more content…

European powers moved to form alliances to protect their territories and to maintain their interests (doc 1). There were two main alliances made: the Triple Alliance, which included Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy, and the Triple Entente, which included Russia, France, and Britain. These alliance systems brought on the war, as Germany’s rise in power threatened France and England, which both wanted to stop Germany from becoming too powerful. France had suffered a crushing defeat at the hand of Germany in the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–71 and had lost Alsace-Lorraine. France wanted to stop Germany’s rising power in Europe and abroad. Russia was uncomfortable with the Triple Alliance and eager to form a counteralliance. Britain joined out of concern for Germany’s growing military presence. These pacts guaranteed the escalation of any scuffle these countries might become involved in. The political cartoon shows a person with the head of a globe defeating two children, who are mostly likely German and Austrian-Hungarian from their helmets (doc 4). It is propaganda meant to persuade the people of a nation that the alliance between Austria-Hungary and Germany is no match for the Triple Alliance, which supposedly had the support of the whole globe. Cartoons such as this led people to become invested in the alliances of their country. Overall, Europe was divided into two armed camps to help each other if there was a

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