What Are The Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Articles Of Confederation Dbq

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The thought process behind the Articles of Confederation was to create a document that created division between states with laws but also created confederacy by creating national laws to protect the defense of the country. - (Khan Academy) This would make it so that the state governments would have freedom to rule their own territories given to them without much national laws preventing them from controlling over everything. - (Khan Academy).

The Founding Fathers also wanted to make the Articles of Confederation because they wanted to divide power and not let all of it be based on one-person ruling. They made sure checks and balances were made with the Document. - (American History.net)

Political parties were one of the main things Founding Fathers worried about the most. - (History.com) They decided to start out with no parties for fear of what happened with the 17th century civil war in Britain. - (The English Civil Wars) This did not stop later parties from developing though, eventually there has become to be 2 majority parties today, Democrats and Republicans. Another worry that …show more content…

- (Library of Congress) Another big weakness they had to face was trying to get states to chip in for the national treasury, United States would of have had to declare bankruptcy if these states did not adopt to the laws of the United States Congress and also according to the Library of Congress, they had a massive amount of debt after the war with Britain. - (Library of Congress) The last issue that they faced was the ability not to control or regulate imports and trades going on in the newly independent country. - (Library of Congress) It is also noted that many states wouldn’t comply with Congress with everything I went over for the weaknesses of the

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