What Was The Us Constitution Hypocritical

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The United States Constitution is one of most know historical document in the whole history of the United States. However when the constitution was made was it truly made to help build a better union, or really just a certain group of people? The United States Constitution was hypocritical at the time it was written, because it did not establish Justice for the workers because the government never paid back the bonds they promised, it did not help form a better union by making farmers pay in currency, and for sure did not secure the blessings of liberty for slaves or their posterity. The United States Constitution was hypocritical on the fact that it did not establish Justice to the workers of America when it was made. The workers of America had fought in the Revolutionary War for a government they believed in. They fought for their justice. Only they were never payed for their hard work,loss, and time in the service but promised to be payed back in the form of a bond. The Constitution states that all bonds before the creation of the constitution were legal, and had to be paid back; However the Government never did pay back these bond holders a single penny, making the worker wonder what kind of country is this if they have no justice to pay me back the …show more content…

The farmers of America were poor people, and did not have money. However the farmers had goods, and these goods were how ran their life, bought other goods, traded other goods, and payed back the loans they owned people. So when the constitution was written it stated that State Legislative could not vote to pass laws allowing paying in kind, and paying in kind was now illegal. This rule causing the farmers to go in debt, and thrown in jail. The Constitution never wanted to from a better union for a better Union for the farmers, and thus is how the Constitution was hypocritical to the farmers of America at the time of its

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