
Who Is The Wealthy In The Great Gatsby

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During the 1920s, people seeking wealth flocked to large cities in an attempt to fulfill their dreams. Those that became wealthy, although technically part of the upper class, lacked the idiosyncrasies associated with their class. F. Scott Fitzgerald illustrates these differences in The Great Gatsby and explains how being wealthy doesn’t necessarily make one part of high society. In West Egg, many of the inhabitants lack the subtlety and elegance the old aristocracy and the inhabitants of East Egg demonstrate. Gatsby’s ostentatious parties illustrate the contrast between West Egg’s unfettered lifestyle and East Egg’s conservative lifestyle. On week-ends his Rolls-Royce became an omnibus, bearing parties to and from the city between nine in the morning and long past midnight, … …show more content…

An incident of this is when Tom and the Sloanes stop by Gatsby’s house and Gatsby invites them inside to talk. Gatsby tries to make his guests feel welcome, however, “Mr. Sloane wanted nothing. A lemonade? No, thanks. A little champagne? Nothing at all thanks” (Fitzgerald 101). Despite Mr. Sloane’s refusal of Gatsby’s hospitality, Gatsby continues to be polite, illustrating his inability to understand the social signals given to him by Mr. Sloane. This occurs again when Mrs. Sloane invites Gatsby and Nick to dinner. “’You come to supper with me,’ said the lady enthusiastically… concentrating on Gatsby. ‘My God, I believe the man’s coming,’ said Tom. ‘Doesn’t he know she doesn’t want him?’” (Fitzgerald 102-103). Being unable to detect the social signals, Gatsby doesn’t realize the insincerity of the invitation, while Tom, being from East Egg, does, showing how Gatsby is differentiated from high society even though he is rich. Although Gatsby is technically part of the upper class because he is wealthy, he is differentiated by his inability to understand subtle social

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