Why I Chose To Study

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I grew up collecting butterflies, catching toads, and caring for bunnies, so it came as no surprise to my family and friends when I declared a major in ecology, evolution, and behavioral biology. My fascination with nature and the environment is one of the many reasons that I chose to study abroad at the University of Canterbury. The university offers a wide selection of courses in the fields of biology and environmental studies. I will also have the opportunity to immerse myself in the local culture, thus providing myself with a broadened understanding of the world. A student exchange will aid me in achieving academic goals, while also increasing my professional development. I don’t expect spending a semester abroad to be easy, but I am confident I have the skills necessary to succeed. I am applying to the University of Canterbury as a visiting student, which will allow me to experience the university in the same manner as a traditional student. The courses offered can fulfill credits for my major requirements and include a cultural aspect with the option of learning Maori. One challenge I had in choosing a location …show more content…

To combat this, I will participate in school activities or clubs, where I can meet people with similar interests, and I will try to be more outgoing. Alternatively, I am a team player and an active listener, which will make interacting with my peers easier. Additionally, I am flexible and always willing to try new things. This limits me from getting stressed, especially when plans don’t turn out as expected. I am, however, always thinking about money and monitoring how much I spend. Finances may challenge my experience by restricting my options for social activities, as I will not have a lot of spending money. Most importantly, I am determined to succeed and will use my strengths to have a rewarding experience

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