
Women In The Civil Rights Movement

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Through the tremendous struggle men of color were able to legalize their human rights. On the other hand, women still faced inequalities, stereotypes, discrimination and segregation in society. Many women played important roles in the civil movement, but were often overshadowed by men, who still get more attention and credit for this success. Many women experienced gender discrimination after the civil rights movement which, lead to the pursue of women’s rights, the fight for the idea that women should have equal rights as men. Over time, this has taken the form of gaining property rights, the right for women to vote, reproductive rights, and the right to work for equal pay.
Women though the course of time have been viewed as objects. Women …show more content…

The women did not expect much from life, her husband or children consumed her entire existence. The women devote her entire life in servitude to her husband, yet they did not have legal right to any of their husband’s earnings or property, aside from the limited right to proper support; however, husbands would control their wives property and earnings. In a sense, capitalism impacted this mindset of the privations of objects. According, to Marx’s labor theory of value, the value of an object is determined by the amount of labor time (hours, weeks, months, etc.) that it took to produce it. In the article, “Capital” Marx emphasis on “commodities”, explores the sources of “value” by asking what determines the worth or price of goods bought and sold on the industry. Marx draws a distinction between “use-value” and “exchange-value when he states, “In the circulation C—M—C, the money is in the end converted into a commodity, that serves as a use-value; it is spent once for all. In the inverted form, M—C—M, on the contrary, the buyer lays out money in order that, as a seller, he may recover money …show more content…

In attempts to legitimize and implement the laws that had been establish organizations such as, the National Organization for Women (NOW), that was, “founded in 1966, women 's movement organizations in the late 1960s and 1970s tended to be independent of political parties and other women 's organizations. Their mistrust of the state as an economic support for women and desire to set their own independent agenda may have contributed to tension between the women 's liberation movement and other contemporary social movements. For example, women of color, lesbians, and working-class women organized their own women 's movements (Johnson-Odim 1991).” In attempt for women to earn their god given rights they had to politically and socially organize a movement, which displayed their dissatisfaction with the devaluation and oppression they were facing in

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