Bee Essays

  • Bee Colony Collapse

    1642 Words  | 7 Pages

    There is a lot of buzz about the Bee Colony Collapse Disorder which is, according to, a pathological condition which leads to a disappearance of worker bees from the hive resulting in the hive’s failure. The reason I am concerned about this topic is because human survival is tied to bee survival. Bees are responsible for ⅓ of the meals we eat, either by pollinating the fruits and vegetables that humans eat or by pollinating crops that feed animals that we eat, like cows. It is difficult

  • Argument On Bee

    286 Words  | 2 Pages

    structures were created by bees. There is not any reliable evidence about the resemble bee nests. The skeptics support their view for several reasons. However, finding all the idea questionable and implausible the lecturer totally repudiate them and presents some evidence to the contrary. Firstly, the author brings the point that there are no fossil remains of actual bees. The earliest preserved body of a bee goes back to 100 years age, only half as old as the fossilized structures discovered in

  • Why Did The Bee Decline

    700 Words  | 3 Pages

    experiencing could be up to 1,000 to 10,000 losses per year. these losses do not only include wild animals or mammals that are constantly haunted , but also small pollinators such as bees. the bee decline is a an issue that is currently affecting most of North America and many countries in Europe , but the number of bee colonies are increasing in China . But if this issue is not solve as soon as possible , and the decline increases it will eventually become a worldwide issue. therefore , let 's dicuss

  • Cuckoo Bee Pollinators Research Paper

    1835 Words  | 8 Pages

    October 19, 2016 The Cuckoo bee Pollinators are very important in today`s world. Plants wouldn’t grow as wonderfully as they do without them. The white house said pollinators contribute more than twenty four billion dollars to the United States. Pollinators also help in the production of seventy five percent of crops and eighty percent of flowers. (Xerces Society) The cuckoo bee is not pollinating on purpose. That’s not what it does for a living. The cuckoo bee is a predator. It lays its eggs

  • Beekeeping Bee Suit

    447 Words  | 2 Pages

    By Marvin Weaver Oct 16, 2010 The bee suit is a necessary tool when pursuing beekeeping. Beekeeping is a fun, popular hobby or even business these days because its fun to do. Some people start this out as just a hobby, but then turn it into a business when they see the opportunities available. All the enjoyment from this pursuit is due to the bee suit. Beekeeping can be considered a dangerous activity due to the possibility of stings from the bees. But the bee suit has made this notion rather negligible

  • Honey Bee Pollination

    751 Words  | 4 Pages

    Lab 1615-024 Honey Bees are one of the most important pollinators of agriculture crops. The recent decline of Honey Bee colonies in North America and Europe and the increasing number of crops needing pollination has caused concern that there will not be an adequate population of pollinators, Honey Bees. A number of factors are thought to contribute to the decline of the honey bee populations including

  • Honey Bee Research Paper

    604 Words  | 3 Pages

    essential part of almost all habitats and are the biggest pollinators of flowering plants throughout the world. Bees are found on every continent except for Antarctica. Some bees are native to an area, while humans have brought others to new areas. Every bee plays an important role in the ecosystem of the hive. Bees are vital to ecosystem function as the dominant pollinators of flowering plants in both natural and agricultural ecosystems. Many plants depend upon bees to spread pollen by collecting the

  • Essay On Bee Urbanization

    1391 Words  | 6 Pages

    How Urbanization is Affecting Bee Population One of the factors affecting dropping populations of bees is urbanization. Urbanization can affect the bee population in many ways. As urbanization increases, so does pollution levels, amounts of garbage, as well as amount of radiation. Urbanization can increase the relevance of some parasites in urban areas because parasites can be transmitted more quickly in more urban areas (Goulson, Whitehorn, Fowley, 2012). Urbanization affects the immune response

  • Honey Bee Essay

    537 Words  | 3 Pages

    882 species of social bee described, none are considered

  • Honey Bee Report

    708 Words  | 3 Pages

    Yes! Finelly I found a bee hive.I have been looking for one for hours, becuase my class and I all have to write a report on animals and I chose the honey bee. Wow this is one of the biggest bee hives I have ever seen it must have at least 50,000 bees in it! I have to look more closely but first I have to put on my bee keeper suit just to bee safe.I look through my bag of mateirals pushing aside my notebook, camara and a book about honey bees and at the very bottom of my bag I found my suit.I slid

  • Bee Population Effect

    831 Words  | 4 Pages

    thought about the impact our planet would have if our bee population started to decrease or even became extinct? Because flowers and honey aren 't the only thing that would be affected by losing a big number in the bee’s population. The scientific term used for the decreasing population of bees is called Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). This has been an ongoing problem and the numbers are dying fast. “U.S. National Agricultural Statistics show a honey bee decline from about 6 million hives in 1947 to 2

  • Honey Bee Population Research Paper

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    is occurring for several reasons. However, current research shows a promising future. Congress has the power to fix this problem that could have a devastating effect on, not only the United States, but also the entire planet. Since the 1940s, the bee population in the United States has dropped from over 5 million to 2.5 million. One of the most prevalent causes of the decrease in the population is Colony Collapse

  • Colony Collapse Of The Honey Bee

    267 Words  | 2 Pages

    The honey bee is a very unique and helpful insect. The honey bee, or Apis mellifera, means "honey carrying bee". It is the only insect that provides a food source for humans - honey. Honey is also the only food that contains vitamins, minerals, and water, along with an antioxidant called "pinocembrin" that improves brain functioning. Honey bees also produce about a third of the world 's food supply, and if honey bees died out, many plants, including food crops, would die out. Bee colonies are starting

  • What Causes Bee Extinction

    1642 Words  | 7 Pages

    don 't stop and look at the bigger picture and realize that without bees, some of the foods that we eat everyday will disappear. Every piece of food we have is made possible credited to bees. Since 2006, we are having a rapid decline of bees, many bee enthusiast 's are coming together to narrow down the causes. There are many causes as to why bees are going extinct but only two stood out for it 's bold impact. Parasites and pesticides, these two causes affect honey bees into going extinct and without

  • Honey Bee Decline Essay

    471 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the past decade, Bee keepers in North America have reported to seen an alarming decline in honey bees. In some places such as Utah, honey bee populations have plummetted by as much as 70 percent. In conjunction with North America, the decline in the honey bee population has been observed in Europe as well which is the place these insects originated from. The number of hives around the planet has been at it’s lowest point in fifty years. This problem in which majority of working bees disappear

  • Bee Depopulation Research Paper

    317 Words  | 2 Pages

    Each year the bee population has grown and multiplied, until, recently. “In the last half decade alone 30% of the national bee population has disappeared and nearly a third of all bee colonies in the U.S. have perished. Though the rate of bee depopulation is growing each year, 42% more last year than the year before, even at the current annual rate the estimated monetary loss is a colossal 30 billion dollars a year.” (8) A new disease of epidemic proportions is sweeping honey bee populations all

  • Honey Bee Persuasive Speech

    561 Words  | 3 Pages

    rapid decline in the honey bee population all over the world. Introduction I. How many of you have gone to the grocery store lately and while shopping around the produce departments you realize that the prices for some crops you typically purchase have increased? This is due to a tremendous loss in the honey bee population which produces the crop. Honey bee’s make up almost 63% of agricultural income for the US and for some unknown reason they are vanishing from bee colonies all over the US. II

  • Honey Bee Homicide Essay

    970 Words  | 4 Pages

    Honey Bee Homicide Imagine a world without colors, flowers, or even air. This is a world without bees, which at the current rate, it will not be long until this description fits our planet. The endangerment of bees has many driving factors; the principal components being the increase of parasitic mites, the decrease of careers as beekeepers, the heightened use of pesticides, and the loss of biodiversity in honey bee habitats. For instance, two invasive species of mites expanded to North America

  • Bee Colony Collapses Essay

    660 Words  | 3 Pages

    years the population has significantly dropped. The math says that if you lose 30 percent of your bee colonies every year for a few years, you rapidly end up with close to 0 colonies left.The most common factor that many scientists say has been a large contributor to the decline of the honey bees is the amount of stress being put on them. Many researchers have found through the tracking of honey bee activity that they have been forced to go find food or pollen at a young age, ultimately collect less

  • Honey Bee Antennae Research Paper

    1014 Words  | 5 Pages

    things in a delicately balanced give and take that has evolved over millions of years. The different parts of the anatomy of the bee each serve this relationship well and will stunning efficiency. Antennae The antennae of the honeybee are used for odor detection. This detection alerts the bee to the location of plants filled with pollen. Antennae are also used to enable the bee to land on any surface in a smooth, stable manner. Communication with other bees is conducted though the antennae as well.