Belief Essays

  • Arguments Against Justified True Belief

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    Justified True Belief (JTB). According to justified true belief, for a premise (p) can be considered knowledge (K), if and only if the individual has belief in the premise (Bp), believes the premise to be true (Tp) and is supported by justification (has enough evidence to believe that p is true (Jp). So, Kp↔ Bp +Tp + Jp Gettier, through the use of two cases, proves that the existence of justified true belief does not guarantee knowledge. In other words, that justified true belief is not a

  • William Clifford The Ethics Of Belief Analysis

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    In the essay, “The Ethics of Belief” by William K. Clifford, Clifford argues how one believes is not only responsible for self, but for others as well (Burger, 2008). He believes that one should not believe something without sufficient evidence or vigilant reasoning because you are morally obligated to others. Additionally, Clifford does not consider belief and action to be unconnected, because beliefs can result in actions that affect others. Clifford uses a shipowner sending an emigrant-ship

  • Danny Saunders's Beliefs In The Chosen By Chaim Potok

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    Leo Buscaglia. Currently, many people become tricked into believing other's opinions because they are too afraid to voice their own. In the renowned novel The Chosen written by Chaim Potok, portrays Danny Saunders learns that holding strong to his beliefs are extremely important. A young boy destined to follow in his father's footsteps and become a Hasidic leader shows many that sometimes people must follow their convictions despite the expectations of others. Although formulating these difficult decisions

  • Interpreting The Differences Between Christians And Buddhist Religious Beliefs

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    subject of religion. There are various kinds which are practiced in different parts of the world. The sensitivity of this topic is an unspoken fact, but many seek to explore religion in a more in-depth way. Contrary to many people’s beliefs, learning about how other religions can be very advantageous. It can provide one with the information needed to gain a better understanding of those who are unlike them. Often times when one takes the time to examine the religious traditions of

  • Edmund Gettier's Article: Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?

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    In the 1963 philosophy paper titled “Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?”, Edmund Gettier attempts to deconstruct and disprove the philosophical argument that justified true belief is knowledge. Justified true belief, also commonly referred to as JTB, is used as a certain set of conditions that are used to explain someone s knowing some sort of proposition p. More specifically, JTB is used to say that s has knowledge of p if and only if p is true, s believes that p is true, and s is justified in

  • Why Is Fedex's Grooming Policy Of An Acceptable Hairstyle

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    their hairstyle based on their religious beliefs (Bernardin & Russell, 2013). His dreadlocks should only be an issue if it causes a hardship for FedEx (U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, n.d.). Title VII gives very clear guidelines on the rights of the employee and the employer concerning religious grooming in the workplace. Title VII pertains to every religious practice and belief. If Mr. Polk decides to no longer practice the Rastafarian belief and he begins to wear dreadlocks for fashion

  • Fear And Trembling By Søren Kierkegaard

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    Søren Kierkegaard expresses the belief that faith of all types is irrational. As an existentialist, Kierkegaard believes that the most important things in the world are concrete human experiences, and as such religious faith, which is characterized by a belief in a God whose existence cannot be proved on a physical level, could never be called rational or logical. By emphasizing contradictions to rationality in religious texts and the differences between a belief and knowledge, Kierkegaard successfully

  • Religious Context In Oedipus

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    a king – Oedipus. By looking at the religious context of the play, we can better understand how religion influenced the play. Oedipus Rex was set in Ancient Greece and Ancient Greeks were said to have been very religious, they had a very strong belief in the cosmic order and the Greek Gods. The Ancient Greeks also strongly believed in fate, they believed that everyone’s fates were determined from birth and our fates were irreversible. Since it was irreversible, they also believed that whatever

  • Philosophical Health Check Analysis

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    contradictions, between various beliefs one holds.” (Stangroom, 2015) Additionally he advises that the check does not “aim to identify which beliefs are true or false,” but the check attempts to identify “which sets of beliefs may not be compatible with each other.” (Stangroom, 2015) After taking the Philosophical Tension Check I discovered that 37% of the people, myself included, share a tension in our belief that there are absolute truths. Even though there is tension in my beliefs, I do not feel that they

  • Morris Vs Percy

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    Percy’s anecdotes all contain a character who suppresses their ideas, beliefs, and opinions in order to conform to the more widely accepted standard with which they are familiar. To Percy, this represents a loss of sovereignty, and it is a negative experience. He introduces the idea that the foundation of any worthwhile discovery

  • Modern Warfare: The Mongols

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    their own religion, brought a large variety of people together, and their techniques are the basis for modern warfare training. The Mongols were more than ruthless pillagers; they were just upholding their religion. “I asked them about their belief; and in few words, they believe nothing. They began to tell me, that they

  • The Impact Of Descartes Meditations On First Philosophy

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    address this kind of objection when he is writing his first mediation, where he mentioned his dreaming example: he believes that he is sitting by the fire (Note that this is his belief). The reason why he has such belief is because that is how his surroundings show him through his senses (Note that this is the evidence of his belief). However, even when he is in fact not sitting by the fire, but lying on bed and sleeping, or deceived by the malicious demon, he is also able to see the same thing under any

  • Similarities Between Judaism And Abrahamic Religions

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    Religion is a set of beliefs that followers have about a supernatural being. These beliefs come from a faith that promotes community and fellowship. We are all equal and were created in God's image. “Do we not all have one Father? Did not one God create us? Why do we profane the covenant of our ancestors by being unfaithful to one another?”- Malachi 2:10. As a Christian we believe that everyone is equal therefore, I believe no religion is better than another. Religions are considered as one of

  • Gettier's Argument Is Virtue

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    sufficiently give the necessary conditions for knowledge. The conditions that Gettier created argues that they are incorrect that the traditional analysis is mistaken. As philosophers, we all have different interpretations for knowledge, but Gettier belief that his conditions for knowledge are false… Gettier had a similar yet different set of conditions for knowledge. The different set of conditions

  • How Does Plato Think That The Measure Doctrine Is Self-Refuting?

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    holds that all beliefs are true. (170d) Some people believe (M) is false. The belief that (M) is false is true. (From (1) and (2)) Therefore, according to (M), (M) is false.

  • Religious Conflict Research Paper

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    Name: Asdawut Kayankarn What is the relationship between religious freedoms and religious conflicts? Introduction A lot of believers point it out that belief plays a unique role in their lives and it true. Those unbelievers who reject to believe in God as no more credible than belief in Santa Claus or in fairies miss the point. Religion is more than what we think it is because it can change our emotional and our mind. Something that we think it true and we believe in it might be wrong. There is

  • Essay On Conformity

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    In order to properly support the thesis, a definition of conformance will be necessary. To conform is to bring your beliefs or views to harmony with another 's. Usually, conversion is the result of an external conflict or a battle within that inflicts subconscious or forced changes in behavior. This is a weakness that enables one to attain control over his or her personal life, eliminating freedom. The act of conforming can be done for several reasons, such as the need for acceptance and/or pressure

  • Examples Of Interreligious Dialogue

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    opportunity to compare each other’s beliefs from an insider’s perspective and not merely basing on what others say about them. This is essential so that the truth that each faith claims is the real truth that they really bear. Interreligious dialogue requires that the participants should bear the mental attitudes of “respect,

  • The Supernatural And The Supernatural In Jane's Jane Eyre

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    Evidently, Jane`s perspective on incidents shifts as her beliefs does as well. During her childhood, Jane simply considered every mysterious event as supernatural. Though her relationship with Helen and the knowledge the of God led her to reason those events as God`s doing. However it is important to note that

  • Innate Knowledge And Plato's Theory Of Knowledge

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    anything at all, we innate lead into test of knowing, in the hope of being capable to discriminate the trustworthy beliefs from such as are untrustworthy. Knowledge is the principal intellectual attainment studies of epistemology. Virtually all theorists agree that true belief is a necessary condition for knowledge and it was once thought that justification, when added to true belief, yield a necessary and sufficient condition for knowledge. All of us have an innate knowledge, concepts, forms, or