Complex regional pain syndrome Essays

  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

    394 Words  | 2 Pages

    Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) is a nerve disorder that occurs at the site of an injury. It occurs especially after injuries from high-velocity impacts such as those from bullets or shrapnel. However, it may occur without apparent injury. The arms or legs are usually involved. SYMPTOMS CRPS is a chronic condition characterized by: • Severe burning pain. • Changes in bone and skin. • Excessive sweating. • Tissue swelling. • Extreme sensitivity to touch. One visible sign of CRPS

  • Arthritis Persuasive Speech

    1400 Words  | 6 Pages

    Arthritis Is Not What You Think There are a lot of misconceptions behind arthritis. When you hear the word “arthritis,” you may have a variety of images that appear in the back of your mind. An old man with his cane, crouched over in pain, or a little old lady who is not able to lift her hands high enough up so that she can brush her hair, so she hobbles into the salon to get her hair styled may be at the forefront of what you are seeing. The truth is a lot nastier than that. Let me paint a picture

  • Iw Case Reports

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    her diagnosis of complex regional pain syndrome. She has subtle weakness of the intrinsic function in her hand. There is a 2 point discrimination of 8mm and ulnar nerve distribution, 4 mm in the median nerve distribution. Current medications include Xanax, Symmetrel, Amrix, Flexeril, Relpax, Duragesic patch, Fentanyl, Prevacid, Movantik, Zofran, Roxicidone, Prevident, Trezix, Chantix, Zorvolex and Vitamin

  • Phantom Limb Summary

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    discovered mirror visual feedback to address phantom limb pain. An illusion was created by placing a mirror in front of the patient in a way that the amputated limb could be seen as a reflection of the remaining limb (Hagenberg & Carpenter, 2014). Mirror box therapy then is used to help alleviate the pain (Witt et al, 2007) (Helm II, S, 2014). Mirror therapy has been proposed as another alternative treatment for PLP (Wilson, 2010). The pain is usually induced between visual feedback and proprioceptive

  • Essay On Neuropathic Pain

    886 Words  | 4 Pages

    International Association for the Study of pain, “neuropathic pain is a complex type of pain which is caused by a lesion or dysfunction in the nervous system (1).” Neuropathic pain can have a major impact on the functioning and quality of life of those who suffer from it; it can be central or peripheral pain. Central neuropathic pain is when damage occurs directly to the central nervous system such as the brain and spinal cord and peripheral pain is when the pain originates from damage to peripheral nerves

  • Phantom Limb Pain

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    bewildering phenomenon that young soldiers feel an agonizing pain in a body part that no longer exists. (Bierma & Woolston, 2015). 1. Phantom Limb Pain Phantom Limb Pain (PLP) is defined as a painful phenomenon at the site amputation (Fieldsen & Wood, 2011) on the area of the

  • Evolution Of Marijuana Essay

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    In our current culture, healthcare is constantly evolving. During this evolution, many drugs that were created to treat a particular disease state are discovered to have multiple uses. When a physician prescribes a patient a drug to treat an ailment that the drug is currently not indicated for, this is called off-label. This occurs when the physician prescribes a drug that will provide a direct benefit to the patient even though the treatment is not recognized or approved through the FDA. Marijuana

  • Fibromyalgia Syndrome Case Study

    783 Words  | 4 Pages

    Abstract Introduction: Fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) can be defined as a chronic musculoskeletal disease with widespread pain and tender points on specific anatomical regions. FMS affects quality of life and causes severe chronic pain, depressed mood and possible muscle weakness. In this study we aimed to investigate the possible relationship between clinical findings, hand grip strength and quality of life in patients with FMS. Material and methods: Fifty consecutive women who fulfilled

  • Physical Therapy Observation Report

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    was introduced to all the staff and oriented to the facility. Following this, I received a brief background on the patients I would be seeing during my visit. Which included: two patients with Parkinson’s disease (PD), one patient with complex regional pain syndrome and one patient with a total hip replacement. The first patient I encountered at 9:15 am was a 65-year-old female presenting with balance and gait disturbances. Patient prior history includes depression, hypothyroidism, hypertension

  • Reaction Paper About Chronic Pain

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    Chronic pain is one of the common reasons for medical consultation. It is of complex natural history, unclear etiology and poor response to treatment. It causes significant morbidity, suffering, disability and over utilization of health care systems. CPS is a poorly defined condition. Most authors consider ongoing pain lasting longer than 6 months as diagnostic, and others have used 3 months as the minimum criterion. In chronic pain, the duration parameter is used arbitrarily. Some authors suggest

  • State Trooper Vs General Motors Product Liability Case

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    himself. When he was trying to replace the hubcap, an air valve was wedged under the hubcap. While he tried to free the air valve, he sliced his finger to the bone on the razor sharp inner edge of the hubcap. This injury developed into Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) which caused the bones and skin of his right hand to twist and wrap into a claw-like appendage. As a police officer is required to be physically fit and able to use both hands, Moyer has lost his

  • Banana Pudding Research Paper

    783 Words  | 4 Pages

    I understand that a few men did not appreciate my time and effort, but I must remind myself the real reason I made the banana pudding, to appease the men and not myself. Currently, my diagnosis is a complex regional pain disorder, “also called reflex sympathetic dystrophy syndrome, is a chronic pain condition in which high levels of nerve impulses are sent to an affected site. Experts believe that CRPS occurs as a result of dysfunction in the central or peripheral nervous system. It affects women

  • Postcolonial Rhetorical Analysis

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    century Siberian dissident Afanassy Schapov to whom Etkind devoted one of the best chapters of his book (Schapov 1906). Schapov meant a parallel annihilation of the fur-providing animals and indigenous people who were forced to hunt these animals under pain of death during the early colonization of Siberia. Today this model of dehumanizing and equating human lives with mere instruments of thoughtless extracting of natural resources covers already the whole population of the Russian Federation regardless

  • Essay On Obstetric Anesthesia

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    Obstetric anesthesia is a challenge in these patients because of complex spinal defects and could make regional anesthesia difficult but not absolutely contraindicated. A spina bifida cystica patient with a lesion above T11 is unlikely to experience labor pain. However there is a potential risk of autonomic hyper reflexia in patients with thoracic lesions (T5–T8) and prophylaxis should be provided. There is an increased risk of accidental dural puncture as well as failed block and excessive cranial

  • Analysis Of Sigmund Freud's Oedipus Complex

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    in the fields of literature, medical humanities and in our daily life. Nowadays, terminologies such as “daddy issues” and “mommy issues” are often being used to indicate something abstract and often false, but Freud actually devised the “Oedipus Complex” regarding a child’s erotic feelings towards his/her parent of the opposite sex. 1 Of course, in modern psychology, this term is obsolete and proved false but it would be pure ignorance not to appreciate the impact Freud had on the majority of the

  • Measles Research Paper

    1750 Words  | 7 Pages

    Contents : Introduction to measles . Define what is measles . Describe the measles virus . Pathogenesis . Signs and symptoms . Treatment . introduction Measles is one of the most causing of death among young even in children have a vaccine against the measles the measles is an infectious disease caused by viruses and could be transported by blood and the virus enter the body throw the mucous membranes . The first person who describes measles is a doctor from paris ,then in 1757 a physician said

  • Muscle Tendon Syndrome

    1328 Words  | 6 Pages

    The aim of the study was to find prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in musicians. Out of 507, 12% of subjects were diagnosed with trigger finger (muscle-tendon syndrome). The causes explained in the study were carrying heavy instruments and repetitive movements of fingers [11]. A retrospective review of 130 professional musicians was done by Katherine Butler and Ian Winspur in London, UK in 2009. Data regarding

  • Legalizing Marijuana Research Paper

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    Substance use and abuse has always been a very complex issue that has been going on around the world for some time, however it now proposes more intricate questions about how the usage of certain drugs has evolved in medicine and in society. But there is one specific drug that people tend to be uncertain and cautious about even though it is the number one drug used today, Marijuana. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), “Marijuana refers to the dried leaves, flowers, stems, and

  • Hans Selye's Theory Of Stress

    6861 Words  | 28 Pages

    exposure to threat. Hans Selye’s observation -” common feeling of being sick” in patients with different diseases laid path for definition of stress. He defined stress as a set of non-specific responses collectively called as” General Adaptation Syndrome”. Hans Selye’s theory of non-specificity was criticized by Mason (Mason, 1971). Gold stein defined stress as “stress is a condition in which expectations, whether genetically programmed, established by prior learning or deduced from circumstances

  • Special Education: The Diana V. Rile Court Case

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    Special Education in America has grown enormously in the last hundred years. In the early 1900s special education classrooms had just recently been organized in the United States and “The first formal training for public school teachers [that taught special education] began at the Training School at Vineland, New Jersey, in 1904 (Johnson 1909; ‘Summer School for Teachers’)” (Trent 294). The first service animals weren’t employed until almost the end of 1928. Disability services weren’t properly