Formalism Essays

  • Emptiness Charge In Kant's Moral Philosophy

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    he Emptiness Charge in Kant’s Moral Philosophy Introduction: The Emptiness Charge in Kant’s Moral Philosophy Chapter One: Kant’s Formalism and its Emptiness Charge 1.1 Hegel’s Empty Formalism Objection 1.1.1 The Context of Categorical Imperative 1.1.2 The Limited Interpretation of Hegel’s Emptiness Charge 1.1.3 The Systematic Interpretation of Emptiness Charge 1.2. Mill’s Utilitarianism Charge 1.2.1 Mill’s Utilitarianism 1.2.2 Mill’s Consequentialism Chapter Two: The Formalistic Expressions

  • Slaughterhouse Five By Kurt Vonnegut

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    In literature, the formalism method is used to produce a structured and organized written piece that successfully communicates the author's intended message. In this approach, emphasis is placed on elements like plot, characterization, point of view, symbolism, allusions, imagery, and repetition. By concentrating on these components, the writer can produce a seamless and captivating story that connects with readers. The novel "Slaughterhouse Five" by Kurt Vonnegut uses non-linear narrative structure

  • Comparison Of Rapunzel And Grimm Brothers

    778 Words  | 4 Pages

    Fairy tales are very powerful stories that have been told to many generations. These are different forms of stories that hold messages for their audiences. These messages are expressed through the various characters in the fairy tales and the techniques used by the author have to portray these messages and re-enforce the importance of them to the audience. In this essay, I will be critically examining a fairy tale of my choice. I will be identifying the similarities and distinguishing the differences

  • Hegel Phenomenology Of Spirit

    2440 Words  | 10 Pages

    Hegel Phenomenology of Spirit ( Tashi Namgyal 2014 ) INTRODUCTION: The evolution of the spirit and The Nature of Absolute: Introduction: Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, founder of his own school of Hegelianism and who is often sometimes known as Aristotle of modern times was a German philosopher of early 19th century. He wrote Phenomenology, a Greek word first used by Plato, < phenomenon and logy > is the study of appearance. 'Phenomenon' is a word, which refers to appearances. The question of

  • Formalism And Formism In Literature

    741 Words  | 3 Pages

    ENG20400 Critical Theory Worksheet 1 Emma Treacy (16413544) Questions 1. Give a basic definition/description (50-100 words for each definition) of two of the following terms mentioned in Williams’ article: new criticism; new formalism; close reading; distant reading. 2. Identify five descriptive words or phrases that are associated with ‘symptomatic reading’ in the essay. What criticisms of symptomatic reading are reported in the essay? (100-150 words) 3. This article suggests differences in method

  • Absolutism Vs Formalism

    361 Words  | 2 Pages

    Before we start to analysis if the separation of power is even, two schools of check and balance [9] which giving out compensating explanation, shall be also considered. In formalism perspective, a division of labor is the first concern. The internal settings of government and boundaries among branches are supposed to be clearly defined in term of authorizes. None of them shall across the line and forming power “mixture” unless it is under the permission of constitutional law literally. Basic civil

  • Formalism In Art History

    937 Words  | 4 Pages

    In this essay i will be defining the art historical perspectives of the methods formalism, iconography and social history of art and their aims. I will be discussing if art can just be aesthetically pleasing or must there always be a political and social meaning/inspiration behind it. I will be doing a detailed analysis of The Large Blue Horse(1911) by Franz Marc using the method formalism to show that not all artwork needs to be observed using various methods since not all art works have social/political

  • What Are Formalism In Trainspotting

    1485 Words  | 6 Pages

    There’s elements of formalism as the room elongates, it puts into view the trains on the wallpaper of Rentons room. This is symbolic of the title of the movie and the defition of what trainspotting is, its what they’re doing, because when you shoot up heroin , the heroin leaves

  • Multimodal Discourse Analysis Examples

    3190 Words  | 13 Pages

    Discourse analysis is a branch of linguistics and it is the study of the language found in texts, with the consideration of in which situation it is used, whether it is a cultural or social context. It is the study of language, whether it is written or spoken. The study of language can be divided into three ways, which are “language beyond the level of a sentence, language behaviors linked to social practices and language as a system of thoughts”. Discourse analysis depends on analyzing the language

  • Ethical Decisions: Objectivism, Formalism, And Virtue Ethics

    1147 Words  | 5 Pages

    prosecuted, and sentenced to death. Each ethical perspective would consider different aspects of the death penalty decision to determine if it would in fact be considered ethical. Utilitarian Ethics, Religious Ethics, Dual-Life Value, Objectivism, Formalism, and Virtue Ethics determine ethical decisions differently. In the case of

  • Kant's Formalism And Its Emptiness Charge Summary

    5016 Words  | 21 Pages

    Chapter One: Kant’s Formalism and its Emptiness Charge While Kant’s ethics have been one of the most inspiring in human history, Kant himself says that the C1 is purely formal. The claims associated with Kant’s formalistic view have also generated widespread criticisms and comments since these challengers read relevant texts in Kant’s writings that can be read as merely formalistic expressions. For example, In the Critique of Practical Reason Kant concludes that the source of character of the moral

  • Examples Of Formalism In Their Eyes Were Watching God

    1506 Words  | 7 Pages

    A Formalist Analysis of Their Eyes Were Watching God. A formalist approach could be taken to analyze the content of Zora Neale Hurston’s novel, Their Eyes Were Watching God. Hurston uses dialect and colloquialism as means of portraying the thoughts of the narrator and other characters, as well as defining the central theme of self-discovery and the struggle of the weak in the eyes of society, with the use of long periods of introspection by Janie Mae Crawford. Along with the symbolism and imagery

  • Compare And Contrast Arthur O Grady And Selma

    597 Words  | 3 Pages

    different direction. Formalism

  • Mary Devereaux Triumph Of The Will Essay

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    that it is possible to appreciate the beauty of a piece of art while having it challenge our morals. Thus allowing for the coexistence of beauty and evil which lead to the self-reflection of the viewer. Through Mary Devereaux’ application of non-formalism as her choice of evaluation of the beauty and evil, I will demonstrate that the film can be appreciated. Secondly, by discussing Devereaux’ correctness in selecting a non-formalist structure but her misuse in the application of this structure, thus

  • Kant's Emptiness Charge Analysis

    3638 Words  | 15 Pages

    Philosophy Chapter One: The Formalistic Expressions in Kant’s Writings 1.1. The Groundwork of Metaphysics of Morals- The Equivalence Thesis 1.2. The Critique of Practical Reason- The Universal Will Chapter Two: Kant’s Formalism and Its Emptiness Charge 2.1. Hegel’s Empty Formalism Objection 2.1.1. A Restatement of Categorical Imperative 2.1.2. The Limited Interpretation of Hegel’s Emptiness Charge 2.1.3. The Systematic Interpretation of Emptiness Charge 2.2. Mill’s Utilitarianism Charge 2.2.1

  • Nypd's Stop And Furisk Policy

    529 Words  | 3 Pages

    I researched NYPD’s stop and frisk policy and reviewed all of the material from the perspective of formalism. From a formalism standpoint, I’ve concluded that the NYPD stop and frisk policy is unethical, for several reasons. First of all, stop and frisk is not a good universal rule. This classification, called the categorical imperative states that in order for something to be considered ethical, it must always be ethical, in all situations, with no exceptions. Stop and frisk is not a bad policy

  • Malcom Alexander Case Summary

    1479 Words  | 6 Pages

    I think that Ethical Formalism is the best analytical framework to apply in this scenario because it is suggested that what is right in one scenario will always be right and that what is wrong in one scenario will always be wrong in every scenario. Similarly to the law, everyone is to be treated equally and fairly, being given the exact same treatment regardless of race, ethnicity, cultural background or any other difference we may have. Ethical Formalism also consists of the concept of

  • Contradiction In Kant's Formulas Of Universal Law

    4753 Words  | 20 Pages

    outlook.’’ He critiques Kant’s thought by observing ‘‘every action explicitly calls for a particular content and a specific end, while duty as abstraction entails nothing of the kind.’’ (Hegel Philosophy of Right 134) Hegel contends that the only way Kant can possibly deduce a particular duty is if Kant already accepted certain existing moral opinions or customs as justifiable. For example, it is certainly a contradictory maxim to accept a deposit that is entrusted to me without planning to return

  • Lord Of The Flies Ethos And Logos

    610 Words  | 3 Pages

    boys become stranded on an island and from the moment of their arrival, the boys begin to destroy the natural harmony on the island. In an attempt to maintain order, Ralph uses rhetoric and moral philosophy. He specifically uses formalism, logos, and pathos. Ralph uses formalism in the form of establishing rules and regulations to create an orderly civilization. Upon reuniting with the other stranded children, Ralphs institutes the rules of the conch: “I’ll give the conch to the next person to speak

  • Kant's Categorical Imperative

    4425 Words  | 18 Pages

    Introduction: Kant’s Categorical Imperative and the Emptiness Charge in Kant’s Moral Philosophy Immanuel Kant’s moral philosophy is mostly remembered for its central thesis, the Categorical Imperative (CI). According to Kant, rational beings experience the moral law as a Categorical Imperative. The Categorical Imperative commands universally and unconditionally, from which all duties are derived. Kant articulates the Categorical Imperative through several formulations. The most prominent formulations