Humpback whale Essays

  • Humpback Whales Research Paper

    549 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Humpback Whale (Megaptera novaeangliae) is one of the largest of the Cetaceans. They are fairly well known, even outside of the scientific community. They are identifiable by their dark grey dorsal color, white underbellies, very long pectoral flippers and by their habits of breaching and raising their tales above the water before diving. Their range expands tropical, temperate, and sub polar waters all around the world. They migrate in search of breading grounds and feeding grounds. Humpbacks

  • Humpback Vs Blue Whales Essay

    514 Words  | 3 Pages

    Both the humpback whales and the blue whales are extremely vocal mammals, their beautiful and mysterious songs travel great distances across the ocean; the blue whale, both the Humpback and Blue whales are apart of the class of baleen whale; while, the humpback whale population isn’t having trouble maintaining its numbers, the blue whales, whom, had previously been plagued by poachers, causing them long-term damage to their population. Both the Humpback Whales and the Blue Whales produce truly unique

  • The Film Shallow Seas

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    majority of marine life, such as biomass and fisheries. The film educated me about the unknown marine life that appears in the shallow seas. For example, I did not know that humpback whales travel to the shallow seas in order to nurse their calves in warmer seawater. This fact concerned me because these mother humpback whales would starve the entire time in the shallow seas and would end up living on their fat reserves for eight months, until they returned to the dangerous poles of northern and southern

  • Why Is It Important To Prevent International Whaling?

    797 Words  | 4 Pages

    December of this year marks the 70th anniversary of the International Whaling Commission (IWC). The IWC was established “to provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry.” Among the methods used to accomplish this purpose are setting catch limits, setting aside areas as whale sanctuaries and restricting hunting methods. (International Whaling Commission: History and Purpose, 2016) In 1982 there was a moratorium put on commercial

  • Why Should The Alaskan Inuit Whaling Be Banned

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    1. I agree that Norway and Japan should be allowed to hunt non-endangered whales, but I don't believe it should be based on a cultural exemption; although it is part of these countries histories. Whether it be deeply rooted in these cultures or not, a country should not face opposition for hunting an animal in a sustainable and responsible way. If hunting these particular whales somehow had a negative effect on the environment or the economies of other countries then it should not be practiced, even

  • Reverse Evolution In Aimee Bender's The Rememberer

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    The story "The Rememberer," by Aimee Bender is about a woman, Annie, whose lover is experiencing reverse evolution. One day Annie wakes up and finds her husband has turned into an ape. A month goes by, and now he is a sea turtle. People call Annie asking why her lover Ben isn't at work or why he isn't picking up items he was supposed to. She explains to everyone how he has some sort of sickness and to stop calling. Next thing you know it, her husband is a salamander. Annie finally reaches her limit

  • Australia's Cruelty: Inhumane Animal Slaughter

    455 Words  | 2 Pages

    For decades, Australia has cleared land, destroyed native wildlife habitat and not to mention ongoing cruelty to kangaroos, wombats and emus. All to “protect” these sheep, who lives are absolute hell, only to have it end on horrible ships. But, do you know what is actually going on in these ships? Each year, Australia exports over four million live sheep to the Middle East. But, around 40,000 sheep die every year even before they reach their destination. In a country, on remote properties, it starts

  • Why Is Whaling Should Be Abolished Persuasive Essay

    554 Words  | 3 Pages

    see all the wonderful creatures popping up from the water. Suddenly, you hear horrible cries of a harmless whale, being slaughtered and exploited by whale hunters. Take a moment and think about what that whale may be feeling. Think about why the hunters are harming it. This is called whaling, where the whales are hunted, speared, shot, and killed for their meat. The hunters use the whale for a lot of products that you may unknowingly use today! Did you also know that you might even eat it everyday

  • Killing Whales Persuasive Essay

    708 Words  | 3 Pages

    I don’t agree with the Norwegian and Japanese position on permitting the hunting of whales as a cultural exemption even though whales a are non-endangered species. I can understand the need for killing whales for food out of poverty and of lack of food supply during and right after war time, but when the economy has been restored and improved, and there are plenty of choices of other food, and yet they keep killing simply for cultural and heritage sake, it just don’t seem right to me. We, as human

  • The Pros And Cons Of Whaling

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    has arisen and breached over to animal security’s alarm. Whaling is the action of killing whales. These purposes include; a meal for the family, research purposes, or/and traditional matters to be carried out. The reason people want to put an end to this is because of whales becoming endangered, hence the numbers decreasing of many vital functions in an average marine environment Some may argue that whales are not at stake here, and that they are killed daily. On the other hand, this

  • Argumentative Essay: Why Deer Hunting Should Be Banned?

    900 Words  | 4 Pages

    made their decisions. So I think that an alternative way would be if these panels were composed of academics with no bias or interests, getting to solutions after analyzing research data about the topic being discussed, in this case, the number of whales in nature and how whaling affects or not the

  • Sea Cow Extinct In 1768: Passage Analysis

    276 Words  | 2 Pages

    The reading passage argues that the sea cow extinct in 1768 and provides three possible theories for their extinction. However, the professor explains that true cause of extinction is still unknown and there are problems with the argument by the passage and he repudiates each of the author 's reasons. At first, the reading passage posits that over-hunting of native people for food in that period is the primary reason for the extinction of sea cow. In contrast, the lecturer refutes this ratiocination

  • Pros And Cons Of Hunting Non Endangered Whales

    1006 Words  | 5 Pages

    I believe that the Japanese and the Norwegians should be allowed to hunt non endangered whales and that they have a right to claim a cultural exemption. But this exemption should only be from within their own territorial waters where they would have to manage their coastal stocks. The Japanese traditionally did their whaling close to their own coastal shores (Whaling in Japan, 2016) and have been doing open boat whaling since the 12th century (Whaling in Japan, 2016). It was the depletion of their

  • Seal Hunting Persuasive Essay

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    that is 7.7 billion seals. That is a lot of seals and if that continues, the seals may be in the endangered list. If the seals are on the endangered list, the food chain will also get affected. Animals like killer whales depend on seals for food. If the seals disappear, the killer whales will also start to die of because of starvation. Some fish species will become overpopulated. This is because there won’t be any seals to eat them, and then that

  • Summary Of Maybe A Little More Soy

    761 Words  | 4 Pages

    response of readers to seeing a whale harpooned and two gentlemen of oriental appearance oblivious to the whale’s suffering. The issue arises immediately after the 1968 whaling ban, when the Japanese launched its scientific whaling program. However, word leaked out that the program was for commercial purposes. The meat then would be sold, ‘in food markets or given away free or at low costs to schools and hospitals to encourage the consumption of whale meat.’ Japan

  • Whaling Should Be Allowed

    927 Words  | 4 Pages

    Whales are a natural resource and critical aspect of the global ecosystem (Tohlen, 2009). Historically, people depended on them for food, just as historically everyone in the Bahamas, where I lived, depended on sea life for food. Therefore, hunting was part of our culture. However, we evolved and now eat much of the same food as the rest of the industrialized world, due to globalization. I completely disagree with the Norwegian and Japanese position that hunting of non-endangered species of whales

  • Hawaii Fishing History

    935 Words  | 4 Pages

    History of commercial fishing in Hawaii Shortly after Statehood, a U.S. De­partment of Interior, Bureau of Com­mercial Fisheries proposal labeled the Hawaii fishery as "dying". Hawaii's major commercial fisheries had been dominated by traditional prac­tices that reflected Hawaii's Japanese immigrant heritage and its impact on the local fishery and seafood markets. The predominant commercial fishery was aku (skipjack tuna), which was caught by a live-bait, pole-and-line, wooden sampan fleet, known

  • Symbolism In Moby Dick's Skin

    1665 Words  | 7 Pages

    terror in those appearances whose awfulness to another mind almost solely consists in this one phenomenon, especially when exhibited under any form at all approaching to muteness or universality.” ( Herman Melville, 184) The Whiteness of the Whale represents a chapter which brings a Revolution upon the traditional idea of perceving reality. In terms of cultural mentality representations, Melville does not demolish the whiteness as a unique symbol of purity and innocence, but he enlarges its

  • Pros And Cons Of Whaling

    1126 Words  | 5 Pages

    Dear Editor Why do humans think that our lives have more value over animals lives? Whales have existed on this earth far before we did, yet we still use our power to control these victims and take bits and pieces from their lifeless bodies as we please, as if they were put on this earth for humans to slaughter. Whales are not commodities. The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society which I am the president of frequently endeavours on dangerous expeditions to protect and defend marine wildlife from poaching

  • Lobster Fishing Industry

    587 Words  | 3 Pages

    Introduction In 1867, the Federal Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) was created to regulate and control lobster fishing by issuing licenses, creating fishing seasons, documenting quota, regulating how many people could fish lobster, and how many fish could be brought ashore (Campbell, 2017). A hundred and fifty years later, DFO is still in the position to manage the Prince Edward Island lobster fishing industry. This is not the beginning of the story and this paper will discuss the people