Lightsaber Essays

  • Reflective Essay: The First Vietnam War

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    the man I had just ultimately defeated. The very man who killed his own father and threatened to destroy anything that stood in his way. Kylo Ren. There was a look of anguish on my face as I hesitated in my actions. Although Luke Skywalker 's lightsaber remained firm in my grasp, there was a uncertainty in the energy of the Force around me. I was unsure; split between two avenues of action and I was conflicted. A sentiment and exuding energy that felt all too familiar. My eyes fell on the sizzling

  • Short Story Of Tom Turkey Dead Or Alive

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    he held up a lightsaber. Tom answered "At the gift shop over there, Mr. Brown." Then Tom pointed at the gift shop. Mr. Brown asked, “How do you know my name?” Tom replied, "I'm a turkeys that lived on your farm and I ran away because you were going to eat me for Thanksgiving diner this year. My name is Tom." Oh shoot! Tom thought I'm as dumb as Jar Jar Binks! I just blew my own cover. Tom took off the lightsaber he had on his belt. Mr. Brown opened the lightsaber in his hand

  • Personal Narrative: Star Wars

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    bored. Dad had an idea, since it was about six to seven o'clock and getting darker out we could lightsaber fight outside. We both got our favorite lightsabers. If you don’t know what a lightsaber is, it's the weapons from the series called "Star Wars." It's a laser-like sword that can make the power inside form into a sword (lightsaber) or just the hilt. They are very cool, creative weapons. My lightsaber had a blue blade with a light that emits from the handle and can go back in the handle which was

  • Compare And Contrast Harry Potter And Star Wars

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    upbringings and are then able to compare and contrast. To compare the two, both characters lost their parents at a very young age. While Harry’s parents were murdered by Voldemore, Luke’s dad was kidnapped and killed. “Luke Skywalker: [turns off the lightsaber] How did my father die? Ben Kenobi: A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down and destroy the Jedi Knights. He betrayed and murdered your father. Now the Jedi are all but extinct

  • Compare And Contrast Star Wars Vs Star Trek

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    Me too :-) Is it all about the various powers that come with being a force-sensitive individual? Or perhaps, is it the ability to wield a lightsaber? Some of you may remember the part in “The Empire Strikes Back” when Yoga says to young Luke Skywalker “Life creates it, makes it grow. Its energy surrounds us and binds us. Luminous beings are we, not this crude matter.” And then continues with

  • Star Wars Redeeed Analysis

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    you must connect with the Force. Let it flow through you with your lightsaber and you. The Force, the weapon, the Jedi, you are one.” “Can’t we just focus more on force technique?” Job asks. “I think I’ve had enough of swinging my lightsaber around.” “Well I do agree with you that the Force is way more powerful than a lightsaber but in this pivoting time in galactic history, we must protect others and that includes with a lightsaber. This war is almost over and the galaxy will need us to bring back

  • Characteristics Of Religion In Star Wars

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    a helmet with a shield on it to cover his eyes so that his eyes cannot deceive him while he is trying to let The Force takeover his actions and also tell it what to do. Luke is trying to get in touch with the Force by using a lightsaber. There are many different lightsabers shown in Episode IV, we

  • Luke Skywalker: The Hero In Star Wars

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    were his X-wing and the Millennium Falcon. He has a superpower known as the force. He can control this power very well because of the extensive training that he got from Yoda. He is proficient in many weapons including the model 57 blaster and the lightsaber. He also had many companions, but he stuck with R2-D2 the

  • Newton's Laws Of Motion In Star Wars

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    Force is a power that is controlled by the Force user itself allows it to be controlled without any physical touch. Being Force sensitive, additionally, allows Force sensitive user to use the Force in certain instances, such as trying to reach for a lightsaber that is across the room. Newton’s Laws of Motion are constantly used throughout the Star

  • Comparing The Battle Between Good And Evil In Star Wars: Revenge Of The Sith

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    rebellion against the Empire. During the beginning of the film, when Anakin has captured Count Dooku and is preparing to kill him, he is wielding two lightsabers. One of which is blue and the other red. This symbolizes Anakin’s internal conflict. The blue lightsaber represents his hope and belief in the Jedi Order and the light side of the force. The red lightsaber represents his frustration and anger towards the Jedi and his desire for violence. In the final shots of the film, when Anakin is being transformed

  • Star Wars Book Summary

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    Different book. Day 7: setting In the Baseball Great Jawas in his home town across the street from his house and the setting does change. Before he was at school with his friends, then he went home. Day: 8 character In Star Wars, The character is Darth Vader and Yoda, Darth Vader is a man who has joined the dark side many years ago he wears a mask of black that covers his face he also has a cap the same color along with his black space suit. His helmet helps him breath. Day 9 plot In Star

  • Polyphemus And The Anti-Tragic Heros In Homer's Odyssey

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    elements are unconvincing and mundane. In the beginning, lightsabers are talked about quite a few times as Obi-Wan Kenobi tries explaining them to Luke. Despite all the talk, they only use the weapon in battle once. The entire story leads up to the lightsaber fight between Darth Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi and the viewers are left unsatisfied and in contempt after this battle. Instead the story focuses mainly on aircraft even though the lightsaber is the main hand-to-hand combat, which leaves many questions

  • Archetypes In Star Wars

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    If you were asked what you thought the most popular Sci-Fi franchise is among all generations of people, which franchise would you choose? For most, the answer would be Star Wars. That is no surprise, because of the overwhelming popularity of the franchise. People appreciate the fact that there are a variety of characters and personalities that are easy to relate to. The director of Star Wars, George Lucas, subtly uses the characters and the advanced technology to get important messages across

  • Star Wars And Harry Potter Comparison Essay

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    Possibly the two most intense fan-bases in existence are Star Wars and Harry Potter. George Lucas released his sci-fi action movie, Star Wars, on May 25, 1977. Thirty-eight years later and the force is still with us. Star Wars is just as popular today is it was when it came out, and a new Star Wars movie will be released in December 2015. J.K. Rowling published her first Harry Potter novel, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone on June 30, 1997 and the first movie came out on November 4, 2001. And

  • Star Wars Book Report

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    all of a sudden the library started to shake. “First-Order it is,” Yoda said looking up at Luke. Luke and Yoda turned on their lightsabers. The roof started to crack.

  • Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

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    bigger. During the course of the tale he is thrown into a war and helps the rebels destroy the empire’s new superweapon. It’s a narrative that is now known world-wide, but when I saw it, I thought that I could be like Luke Skywalker. I don’t have a lightsaber and I can’t use the force, but I may be able to change the world in a positive

  • Star Wars Argumentative Essay

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    characters receive is also symbolic of epic literature. In Beowulf, Beowulf finds a sword when fighting Grendel’s mother with magical abilities that helps him to defeat the beast. Luke is given his father’s lightsaber which is also a weapon with special abilities however, he doesn’t fight with the lightsaber in this story, instead using it to strengthen his connection with the

  • Revenge Of The Sith

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    One of the most iconic openings in cinematic history belongs to the Star Wars Series in which the opening monologue reads: “A Long time ago in a galaxy far, far away” (Lucas 0:01). It has continued to be a fascinating and adventurous movie going experience. Within the saga, there are a total of seven films, with more to be made. But in this essay I am going to be focusing on Star Wars: Episode 3- Revenge of the Sith. This film was written and directed by George Lucas and is of the science fiction

  • Star Wars: An Epic Hero's Journey

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    Skywalker, knocking him out. The sand savages scavenge through Luke’s vehicle, until Jedi master Obi-Wan Kenobi arrives scaring off the savages, saving Luke. The wise and helpful guide takes Luke to his homestead giving him a magical talisman, a “lightsaber” that belonged to Luke’s father, “the weapon of a Jedi knight” (SW:ANH). The threshold guardians, although only the second step on the hero 's journey, determines a huge part of one’s fate, for if one cannot overcome this first obstacle they will

  • Road Warrior Comparison

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    Mad Max 2: The Road Warrior, known to American audiences as The Road Warrior, and Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, named at the time of its release as simply Star Wars, are two very different pieces of film belonging to the genre of science fiction. The first tells the story of a man in a dystopian Australian wasteland being enlisted by a group of helpless survivors to fight against pillaging raiders; the latter tells the story of intergalactic warriors embarking on a mission to overthrow a genocidal