Michael Cassio Essays

  • Michael Cassio Character Analysis

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    Michael Cassio Lieutenant Michael Cassio is generally a light-hearted and good-natured young man with considerable popularity and attractiveness. The protagonist of the play, Othello, calls him by his Christian name and thus has a very good relationship with him, while Othello´s wife has taken a liking to him in a non-romantical way. He appears to be generous and sympathetic and shows great respect and admiration for Othello. Towards Desdemona, he shows chivalrous and gentlemanly behavior and he

  • Dominant Theme Of Jealousy In Shakespeare's Othello

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    Jealousy is the most dominant theme of Othello. “Honest” Iago, the protagonist, is utterly absorbed with his jealousy of Michael Cassio because Cassio was chosen as lieutenant instead of Iago. He yearns for everyone to be as miserable as himself by implementing seeds of doubt resulting jealousy of other characters. His mind is clouded by animosity; Iago acquires for others to be justly jealous shown through Iago’s manipulation of characters, especially Othello. Shakespeare begins the story with

  • Analysis Of Iago In Shakespeare's Othello

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    course of the novel as Iago. As the chain of command in Othello’s Venetian army began to erode after a fight between Montano and Cassio, Iago pounced on the opportunity to wield power with his boss. After Cassio had been removed from power as Othello’s assistant, Iago served as a voice on Othello’s shoulder, filling Othello’s thoughts with worry as to the intentions of Cassio. Othello, in a fragile and unstable position with a depleted sense of trust said to Iago, “Villain, be sure thou prove my love

  • What Are Iago's Motives In Othello

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    learns that Iago sees himself as better than everyone else and he treats others as fools. In the first scene of Act ii, Iago offends Desdemona leading to Cassio excusing his impolite behaviour. “With a little web as this I will ensnare as / great a fly as Cassio” (II, i, 183-184). This is said through an aside from Iago after he witnesses Cassio and Desdemona getting close to one another and talking. He watches them whisper and sees it as a great help to him succeeding in his plan. Iago seeks out

  • Desdemona's Cheating In Othello

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    Do people often get accused of doing the right thing? Or is it always being accused of the wrong? In the play Othello by Shakespeare Desdemona is being accused of cheating on her newly wedded husband Othello. When she has been nothing but loyal to him, even loyal to him over her own father.Iago feed’s Othello these lies at times of vulnerability, and drops all these hints slowly. Making a puzzle in Othello’s mind,and convinces him everything Iago says is true. Iago uses Othello’s trust for him

  • Iago In William Shakespeare's Othello

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    Shakespeare’s Othello begins with Iago, who is disgruntled because the rank of lieutenant was given to Michael Cassio rather than to himself, already causing trouble for those in Venice by screaming out claims of Othello’s wrongdoings. The operations of Iago are what carry the plot of Othello forward and are what lead many to the fallacy of Iago being the lead. The actual lead Othello follows the inherent traits of mankind creating decisions based on morality, but Iago is unyielding to moral judgment

  • The Manipulation Of Jealous Iago In Shakespeare's Othello

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    most malevolent villains. He portrays the characteristics of jealousy and manipulation. Iago depicts the personality trait of jealousy. He exposes his first account of jealousy when Othello appoints Michael Cassio to be his lieutenant. Iago confesses this to Roderigo and says, “ One Michael Cassio, a Florentine (A fellow almost damn'd in a fair wife), That never set a squadron in the field But he, sir, had th' election …” (1.1.20-27). This is the reason for his strong hatred for Othello. Iago led

  • Comic Relief In Othello Essay

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    nature. Furthermore, this provides the reader with some comedy to make things balance out. As the play goes on, Emilia is encountered with Bianca who is known for committing adultery with others. Iago wants more information as to what happened with Cassio. Yet Emilia announces, “Oh fie upon thee, strumpet” (pg. 113, line 121). By this, Bianca counters with saying that she is as moral as Emilia. Little do they know, Emilia does her fair share of apparently going around too. This scene amplifies a serious

  • The Power Of Language Devices In Shakespeare's Othello

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    Matthys Uys 24962376 ENGE311: Assignment 8 (Improved version) 23 May 2016 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Power of Language Devices in “Othello” Through using powerful words in “Othello”, the human behaviour of the characters is either positively or negatively influenced. In the following essay “the power of words” in “Othello” will be discussed. Firstly, an introduction paragraph will be given about

  • Iago's Transformation In Othello

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    In the Shakespeare story, “Othello” the villain of the story, Iago has a not so shocking transformation. He was a small time rapscallion, who simply at the the beginning wanted revenge for the wrongdoing done to him by being passed up for the promotion to lieutenant. But then it turned into more of nefarious plan, to “turn [Desdemona’s] virtue into pitch.” (Shakespeare.2.33.338) He manipulated everyone in this storyline he interacts with, especially the following characters; Roderigo, Othello & Emilia

  • Ambiguity In Othello

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    answers and suggestions of Iago as he discusses the faithfulness of Desdemona with Othello. Iago initially asks Othello, “Did Michael Cassio, when you wooed my lady, Know of your love?” (III.iii.95-96), and when Othello replies, “He did, from first to last. Why dost thou ask?”

  • Iago's Insecurities In Othello

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    instability which may hold the potential of plaguing one's self-image can often lead to a tragic resolution. In the play Othello by “William Shakespeare”, Iago’s ability to form prudent decisions are overpowered by his vigorous hatred towards Othello and Cassio. Blinded by dreams of his glory, he fails to consider the consequences of his actions. As a result, Iago’s atrocious decisions are strongly influenced by the insecurities that further serve as a compelling source of

  • The Seesaw Of Yin And Yang In Othello

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    head, against Cassio. He says: ‘’I must tell thee this: Desdemona is directly in love with him. [Cassio]’’(II.i.213-214). At first, Roderigo believes it is false and says: ‘’ She’s full of most blessed condition.’’ (II.i.242-243). He defends Desdemona because he knows she would never do that to her husband and she is a loyal wife. Now, Roderigo thinks Cassio likes her too and vice versa. He feels pressured to protect against their love. In order for Roderigo to remove Othello and Cassio out of his way

  • Irony Of Iago's Manipulation In Othello

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    about being passed over for the promotion of lieutenant. The man who received the promotion of lieutenant was Michael Cassio. Cassio was a good-looking young man, who Iago despised for attaining the promotion. On the night in question, my client Othello was exploited in Iago’s plan to kill Desdemona. Iago composed a plan to manipulate Othello into believing that his wife and Michael Cassio were having

  • Power Of Jealousy In Shakespeare's Othello

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    the power of envy to destroy. Never underestimate that.” (Oliver Stone) In literature, and in reality, jealousy is a powerful thing. To exploit it, would make it even more powerful. In the story Othello, jealousy is at its strongest. After selecting Cassio to be his second in command, Iago vows revenge on Othello. Roderigo is in love with Othello’s wife, Desdemona and agrees to conspire with Iago with the agreement that Roderigo will win Desdemona’s love from Othello. Iago seeks revenge by planting

  • How Does Jealousy Lead To Othello's Downfall

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    Iago is the mastermind behind all of the mayhem in this play, and it all starts in act one when Othello made Michael Cassio the lieutenant over him. This left Iago flabbergasted saying Cassio "never set a squadron in the field" (I.i.22) and he sarcastically says "And I-God bless the mark! His Moorship 's ancient" (I.i.33). Iago was more qualified than Cassio, in experience and also, as Iago thinks, ability. But, Othello did not seem to think so. This caused Iago to feel like he wasn

  • The Irony Of Honest Iago In Shakespeare's Othello

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    His hatred for Cassio comes from Othello picking him over Iago to be his lieutenant although Iago strongly believes he is best suited for the job since he has more experience. “says he, ‘I have already chose my officer.’...one Michael Cassio, a Florentine...never set a squadron in the field, nor the division of a battle knows more than a spinster...as he: mere prattle, without

  • Iago Motivation In Othello Essay

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    wants, so throughout the drama, scholars are intrigued by the “evil genius” behind the good creator of lies. Iago, is the villain of the play, and in the play he’s a twenty-eight-year-old military veteran from Venice, whose standards are lower than Cassio, the lieutenant for Othello. Although Iago’s obsessive, relentless, bold, and igenius in his efforts to manipulate and deceive the other characters-particularly Othello-Iago’s motivations are notoriously murky. At various points points in the play

  • Iago Character Analysis

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    Iago’s hatred towards Othello is evident from the very beginning of the play. In Act 1, Scene 1, Iago presents a couple of different reasons for hating Othello. First, he is upset because Othello overlooks him for lieutenant and instead designates Michael Cassio to the position. In addition, Iago speculates that his wife, Emilia, is cheating on him with “the Moor.”. In Act 1, Scene 3, Iago expresses his anger by saying, “I hate the Moor:/And it is thought abroad, that ‘twixt my sheets /He has done my

  • Iago Is The Reason Behind Desdemona's Death

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    over for a promotion, giving "one Michael Cassio" the job as his military lieutenant instead. Iago believes that Othello gives Cassio position even though Iago is better than Cassio. After all Iago decides to destroy Othello, his love, and position. Iago starts to make plans for Othello’s down fall.