Rainforest Essays

  • Rainforest

    507 Words  | 3 Pages

    The main layer of the rainforest is the canopy. Most canopy trees have smooth, oval leaves that come to a point, known as a drip tip. This allows water to flow off the leaf quickly and prevents the growth of fungi, mosses, and lichens. The canopy's leaves are very dense and filter out about 80% of the sunlight. Many flowers and fruits grow in this layer. Epiphytes cover every available surface and bromeliads provide drinking water for the many canopy creatures, and breeding pools for tree frogs.

  • Characteristics Of Rainforest

    802 Words  | 4 Pages

    Rainforest have different types of weather patterns , different types locations and different type of species of animals, and plants . According to Ecological Research (2000) An equatorial rainforest in the coastal region of West Sumatra suffered a long period of dry and hazy weather in 1997. Many animals that live in rainforests are threatened by distinction , because the rainforest population is getting smaller and some of the animals will not be safe. They can die because of starvation

  • The Importance Of The Daintree Rainforest

    266 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Daintree Rainforest is a very valuable place and Australia is truly fortunate to have a rainforest like this. Many people don’t realize the importance of this Rainforest and how it will eventually affect our lives if we don’t take care of it well. The Daintree Rainforest should be something that everybody is helping, so that it can maintain it’s health and make sure that it continuously provides oxygen for us. We don’t need to go Daintree to help grow trees or anything (although that would be

  • Daintree Rainforest Relationships

    855 Words  | 4 Pages

    like in a rainforest biome? A rainforest is a type of biome that have many tall trees with a warm climate year round and have many rainfall yearly. Daintree Rainforest is one of the rainforest biome on the Earth. The Daintree Rainforest is one of the oldest rainforest on Earth. It’s located in the region northeast of Queensland, Australia, north of Mossman and Cairns. It has the latitude and longitude of 16.1700°S and 145.4185°E with an elevation of 1270 meters. The Daintree Rainforest is home to

  • Rainforest Tree To Regeneration

    344 Words  | 2 Pages

    one and a half acres of forest is destroyed every second? Rainforests are being destroyed at alarming rates, and serious things need to be done! If we don’t stop rainforests from being cut down, animals will go extinct, and habitats will be destroyed. Trees are being cut down faster than they can regrow! Did you know it takes 65 years for one rain forest tree to grow to full size according to "How Long Does It Take a Rainforest tree to Regenerate?"New Scientist. Web. May 5, 2016. You might

  • The Amazon Rainforest

    891 Words  | 4 Pages

    Amazon Rainforest Brazil A tropical rainforest is characterized by having large quantities of rainfall throughout the year and warm temperatures. Tropical rainforests are the terrestrial biomes with the highest biodiversity (Biggs, et al 72). The largest of all tropical rainforests is the Amazon Rainforest. It covers parts of Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Colombia, and Venezuela (Facts on File; Amazon Rainforest). The Amazon Rainforest has many notable geographical features and characteristics

  • The Importance Of Rainforest

    1140 Words  | 5 Pages

    Rainforest Rainforest contains approximately two-third of the world’s plant and animal species. It has one of the world’s most spectacular ecosystem. The name ‘rain’ forest, indicates that it receives high rain fall throughout the year. Not limited to that, the trees also release water to the atmosphere by transpiration, forming dense clouds that surround the forest. Hence, even on non-raining days, the forest remains warm and humid. Importance Rainforests are very important to man-kind for many

  • Animal Life In Rainforest

    936 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction Rainforests are populated with insects, arachnids, reptiles, amphibians, birds, mammals and worms. The rainforest is home to more than half of the world 's animals. The rainforest is a very dense, warm and wet biome. So, where are the rainforests? Most rainforests are located in a latitude band around the equator between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. Below is a map of the major rainforests over the world. Strata The rainforest contains of four different layers

  • Rainforest Deforestation Essay

    1657 Words  | 7 Pages

    Rainforests are one of the most useful things in this world. They contribute to a lot of the world’s resources and at the moment are being taken advantage of. Based on research done by Rhett butler (Co-founder of Tropical Conservation Science), it shows that by 2013 only 81.4% of the rainforest is left. Whereas in 1970 we still had 97.6% of the world’s rainforest. By 2013, we can see that approximately 763,104 trees have been cut down. Based on the information given, we can say that in 86 years

  • Deforestation Of Rainforests Essay

    2488 Words  | 10 Pages

    Research shows why deforestation of rainforests happen around the world and why should we care. Introduction During this modernization era, more and more rainforests are actually disappearing from the surface of the Earth very quickly without us realizing it. Rainforests are said to be covering almost one third of the Earth’s surface providing lots of environmental benefits such as the prevention of climate change, soil conservation, preservation of biodiversity and the hydrologic cycle (Chakravarty

  • Amazon Rainforest Deforestation

    1552 Words  | 7 Pages

    Deforestation of the Amazon rainforest, and how it affects its species The Amazon rainforest houses at least 146 000 of the world’s known species. Flora and fauna included, this accounts for a staggering tenth of all forms of life currently existing on planet earth. It represents over half of the planet’s remaining rainforests, and spans across 5.5 million square kilometres of the South American continent. The rainforest is also the biggest natural “lung” of the earth, and is responsible for at least

  • Amazon Rainforest

    505 Words  | 3 Pages

    Native Amazonians don 't want their traditions and homes taken away from them. The Amazon rainforest is dying and becoming smaller and smaller because of loggers, settlers, and cattle ranchers they are taking the amazonians homes away from them. Unlike the runner trappers and environmental groups trying to get resources without harming the Amazon rainforest for what people want not what they need. The Amazonians have been marked by brutality, slavery, violence, disease, and genocide. There was

  • Amazon Rainforest Essay

    1074 Words  | 5 Pages

    have not even been discovered (National Geographic). The animals of the Amazon Rainforest all come together to form a complex and intricate ecosystem. Deforestation, climate change, are factors that have recently come against the Amazon Rainforest (National Geographic). In this scenario, the future of the Amazon Rainforest appears bleak. A from National Geographic focuses on specific animals that have inhabited the rainforest for up to millions of years, their relations with one another, and the factors

  • Deforestation In The Amazon Rainforests

    1483 Words  | 6 Pages

    Deforestation is the mass cutting down of trees, or the permanent destruction of forests. Deforestation is a world problem but is majorly found in South American countries like Brazil. The deforestation in the Brazilian rainforest first began in 1970. The rate of deforestation has only increased rapidly since then. Rain forests cover over 30% of Earth’s land. They provide massive amounts of oxygen and store carbon dioxide. Every second one and a half acres of forest is being cut down. The rate of

  • Tropical Rainforest Research Paper

    813 Words  | 4 Pages

    The plants of the rainforest turns carbon dioxide into H2O(oxygen) which is vital to both human and the inhabits of the rainforest. Most of the animals depend on each other to survive in the rainforest. The biodiversity of the rainforest ensures natural sustainability for all life forms. The importance of the rainforest to humans, it serves as a protectant to the nutrients in the soil the trees and plants maintain the soil quality. The rainforest helps maintain and regulate the continuous

  • Tropical Rainforest

    442 Words  | 2 Pages

    These Tropical Rain forests are found in the most equatorial areas. Found in the most wettest and hottest areas, closest to the equator. Some Tropical Rain forests are the Congo basin in Africa, the Amazon basin in South America, and the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. Also located on islands and lowland regions. Climate: A Tropical Rain forest’s climate is typically hot and wet. Location near the equator, where it is warm. Are provided with rainfall yearround. It receives around 160 to 400 inches

  • Overview Of Deforestation In The Amazon Rainforests

    398 Words  | 2 Pages

    we remove the forests we are effectively making the climate change issue bigger because we have no way to soak up the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. In the last 50 years 17% of the Amazon rainforest has been lost to deforestation. Every minute the equivalent to 48 football fields of the world's rainforest is lost. What are the impacts of Deforestation? Increased greenhouse gas emissions- Forests remove a lot of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. They can hold up to 210 gigatons of carbon

  • Tropical Rainforest Short Story

    406 Words  | 2 Pages

    There was a rainforest full of color and life. The rainforest 's beauty was gratifying; it was like a very hot and humid leafy paradise. This rainforest contained various animals and plants. This leafy paradise had a variety of smell, it had a earthy smell and had other scents because of the various flowers. When looking up, the trees were like skyscrapers and monkeys can be seen jumping from branch to branch screeching. A greenish light circulated through the trees and water droplets can be

  • Amazon Rainforest Pros And Cons

    593 Words  | 3 Pages

    deteriorating Rainforest. The native Amazonians live in the rainforest, raise their families in the rainforest and die in the rainforest, as is the cycle of their lives. Firstly, this essay will first give a brief history of this group. Secondly, a look into how they use the rainforest and it’s resources, and thirdly a final argument on pro’s and con’s of the Amazonians. Lastly, a paragraph in conclusion to this essay. Once, there were as many as 10 million people living in the rainforest (when it still

  • Summary Of Biome: Tropical Rainforest

    714 Words  | 3 Pages

    Biome: Tropical Rainforest The tropical rainforest is one of the biomes that are present throughout the earth. The tropical rainforest ecosystem covers approximately 7% of the earth’s surface. Most of the earth’s rainforest are located between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn. This about a 3,000 mile band around the center of the earth. Due to the location the temperature in the rainforest stays fairly steady, ranging from about 68℉ to 93 ℉, however, the humidity is also consistent