Slum Essays

  • Planet Of Slums Summary

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    In Mike Davis’s book, Planet of Slums, slums are referred to as categorized by a mixture of dilapidated housing, overcrowding, disease, poverty, informal housing, inadequate access to safe water and sanitation, and insecurity of tenure (Davis, 22). Davis states that these slum conditions are commonly found all over the world in urban poor populations, but not all slums are considered to be poor. There are about 25% of urbanites that live in ‘absolute’ poverty, somehow surviving to as low as one dollar

  • Summary Of Behind The Beautiful Forevers By Katherine Boo

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    city less fortunate than the average in North America, the daily struggle to rise above poverty is perplexing. In the non-fiction book written by Katherine Boo, Behind the Beautiful Forevers, Boo describes in great detail of what living in Mumbai’s slum, Annawadi, entails. Many of Annawadi’s people are just trying to earn enough money to eat what little they can buy. Others focus more on gaining power and image to benefit one’s self, while a portion of the citizens try to escape the wrath of a corrupt

  • Definition Essay: The Hood In My Childhood

    1914 Words  | 8 Pages

    Although I have one huge family it is split up into two .Its the hood side and then it 's the not so hood side of my mom 's side of the family. When I say hood I mean ready to pop off at any given moment not scared of anyone,and the non hood keeps calming turning the other cheek . On the “hood” side it 's my Auntie her 5 children and their kids ,my granny and her husband ,my uncle .Which really falls on my mother 's side.On the other side,which is the non hood side on my family it 's my mom’s aunt

  • The Fat Black Woman Goes Shopping Analysis

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    English poetry speech Those who knew me about 5 or 6 years ago would know that I was a pretty fat kid. Shopping for clothes was never a problem though, because I could always just go into men’s sizes. For some African migrants in England in the 80s however, shopping in their size proved to be quite difficult. Good morning all, and welcome to the State Library’s poetry exhibition. Today I’m going to discuss how life is difficult for migrants, particularly large ones, who are made to feel marginalised

  • Class Discrimination In The White Tiger

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    “The White Tiger” is a Man Booker Prize (2008) winning book is written by the great Indian writer, Aravind Adiga. This article lets us know how the class discrimination is engulfing the Post Colonial Indian Society under the silent penetration of poverty and corruption. Here, the narrator and protagonist, Balaram Halwai, struggles against his lower class society from the very initial time of his life. His life undergoes with serious sufferings from economical solvency because of being in the lower

  • Farmers And Industrial Workers In The 19th Century Essay

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    Experiences of farmers and industrial workers in the 19th century Introduction The 19th century in America was characterized by rapid industrial growth. At this point in time, industrial plant output increased and there was mass production of goods by the machines (Foner, n.d). The British textile manufactures were the first to venture in the industrialization field within the United States of America. Mechanization was on the rise where machines replaced skilled personnel and craftsmen in different

  • Literature Review On Solid Waste Management

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    Chapter 2 Literature Review 2.1 Waste management in developing countries: The Integrated Sustainable Solid Waste Management (ISWM) Cities and towns in developing countries have for several decades been faced with a challenge of handling and managing solid waste adequately. The main reasons associated with these challenges have been mentioned as rapid urbanisation and growing populations in towns and cities which consequently led to increased generation of waste (Guerrero et al, 2013). The management

  • Hygiene In Medieval Times Essay

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    Can you believe that something so basic and that most people have nowadays, could have killed so many people? In the Medieval times, hygiene was an important, life changing factor for the survival of the people. Most medieval citizens only showered once or twice per year. The spread of diseases in the Medieval Times was mostly affected by the citizen's hygiene. The people who lived in the medieval cities, hadn't and wouldn't notice how the hygiene inside their

  • Classic Slum Reform

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    Poverty, healthy and slums were the part of serious problems for UK between 19th to 20th centuries, a lots of people who was living under the poverty line, some of people even didn’t have enough food for themselves and their family. According the book “The Classic Slum” published by Robert Roberts in 1971, which showed poverty, illness and social negative environment in Salford slum of United Kingdom. In the slum, there are around 50 percentage population who was unskilled people of industrial class

  • Theme Of Passion In The Slum

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    In The Slum, life is ruled by passion. Passion is the catalyst of every action, reaction, and circumstance, it drives the plot of the novel forward. Passion causes or informs the corruption, crime, gender relations, poverty, violence, death, work habits, and sense of community of every character in The Slum. Passion is inescapable and dominant, it is the overarching force of Azevedo’s work. Passion for wealth and status drives João Romão. Passion for Rita Bahaina drives Jerônimo. Passion for luxury

  • Planet Of Slums Analysis

    623 Words  | 3 Pages

    The reading this week is by Mike Davis, and is titled Planet of Slums. Mike Davis creates an argument on how slums are a worldly issue that is spreading. Davis first begins his argument with statistics based on the monumental increase of population in all countries across the globe. He also uses examples of the increase of hypercities and megacities due to intensified urbanization in Mexico-city, Seoul-Injon, and New York. Which leads into the effects on the citizens, such as China and India, and

  • Slums In 19th Century Essay

    761 Words  | 4 Pages

    Slums are squalid and overcrowded urban streets or districts inhabited by very poor people. All slums have different living conditions. Housing in slums is built on land that the occupant does not have legal ownership to and without any urban planning or obedience to zoning control. In slums, misconduct and bankruptcy are high. These settlements lack water, sanitation, garbage systems, storm drainage, street lighting, paved sidewalks, and roads for emergency access. In a typical slum within Victorian

  • The Slums In New York City

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    The Harsh Life of the Slums in New York City During the end of the 19th century, there were a lot of economic and social problems between the government, rich, the poor, and businesses. The poor received a lot of those problems. Some of the problems were poor work conditions, child labor, and unsanitary living conditions that might have caused an increase in crime and drinking. The rich and government did not acknowledge those problems about the poor. Thus, come upon the Progressive era. The Progressive

  • Summary Of Planet Of The Slums By Mike Davis

    537 Words  | 3 Pages

    The book “Planet of the Slums” by Mike Davis is a huge eye opener that explains the harsh realities of slums. This books explores conditions of slums, how and suggested reasons as to why slums come about in cities, and how they are increasing due to different government or sometimes lack of government acts. Davis paints this picture and sells the ideas providing evidence and statistics form a lot of different countries and cities that have, and continue these harsh realities. Though he uses a lot

  • The Fae Slums: A Short Story

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    The Fae Slums grew in the gaps and cracks in the tapestry of Madrience, the side alleys and crumbling blocks left to rot away by human society. The trash-strewn alleys offered one of the few refuges to the fae who were otherwise rejected and thrown out of society. The area received no funding from the government, and the jobs that were available for the fae did not pay enough for them to fix up the area on their own. But even in the desolate impoverishment of the slums a few buildings provided shelter

  • Cultural Appropriation In Pop Culture

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    The argument of cultural appropriation has always been a huge topic, particularly with the rise of social media. The debate is strongly portrayed in pop culture such as animations, games, movies, fashion and art. The portrayal of cultural appropriation in these different platforms usually happen through language, music, clothing, and appearance. Given an example of a animated Disney movie “Moana” released in 2016, it tells the story of adventurous pacific islander which is the chief’s daughter, who

  • Summary Of Haidya Hartman The Terrible Beauty Of The Slums

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    “The Terrible Beauty of the Slums” by Säidya Hartman features a carefully crafted narrative meant to illustrate the incompleteness of historical archives that fail to capture the hope in intimate Black life. Hartman’s work is a genre-defying text that refuses categorization due to its unconventional rhetoric. Typically, readers assume that Hartman’s purpose is simply to liberate the young Black girls from dehumanizing stereotypes by undermining the othering gaze of the outsider, the perpetrators

  • Racism In Slumdog Millionaire

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    the article, “A Million Dollar Exit From the Anarchic Slum-World: Slumdog Millionaire’s Hollow Idioms of Social Justice”, Mitu Sengupta responds to how the slums and its citizens are presented in the film Slumdog Millionaire by Danny Boyle. Sengupta describes the slums as run-down and then goes on to specifically address the poverty that exists in India. When writing about the portrayal of the slums, Sengupta states, “Slumdog depicts the ‘slum’ as a feral wasteland, a place of evil and decay that

  • Urbanization Dbq Analysis

    870 Words  | 4 Pages

    urbanization and industrialized in the late 19th century created was slums. “Forty-two men and women in a room not more than twelve feet square, and in the corner on a heap of dirty straw lay a woman with a newborn babe” (Related Document 1, pg. 275). Immigrants were living in an overcrowded tenement and having to pay high rent. They lack access to clean water for drinking, garbage and sewage system. Most of the people who live in the slums became the victim of crime and diseases. Urbanization and industrialized

  • Juror 10 In 12 Angry Men By Reginald Rose

    279 Words  | 2 Pages

    In the drama “12 Angry Men” by Reginald Rose, Juror 10 has a big impact on the play by finally bringing the 10 other jurors together, and having prejudiced views against people from the slums even though he is from the slums. Juror 10 has a big impact on the play by finally bringing most of the jurors to the same conclusion for the first time. In the play it says, “Well you don’t know about them? Listen to me! What are you doing? I’m trying to tell you something… “I’ve heard enough. If you open