
1984 Analytical Essay

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George Orwell's novel “1984” is a story that takes place in a society where the government controls every aspect of people's lives. The three main characters, Winston Smith, Julia, and O'Brien. They go through significant changes as the novel progresses.

Winston Smith is the protagonist of the story, and the reader follows his journey as he begins to question the society he lives in and ultimately rebels against it. At the beginning of the novel, Winston is a cautious and secretive person who hates the oppressive regime that he lives under. He secretly writes in a diary and has a strong desire to rebel against the government. As the novel progresses, Winston becomes more daring and takes bigger risks in his attempt to resist the government. …show more content…

It was safer; though, as he well knew, even a back can be revealing" (Chapter 1). This quote demonstrates Winston's caution and fear of being detected by the government. He knows that the telescreens are watching his every move and that even the slightest slip-up could lead to his arrest and torture. Another quote that demonstrates Winston's character development is "Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows" (Chapter 1). This quote shows that Winston has become more defiant and has started to question the government's propaganda. He understands that freedom of thought is essential to any rebellion, and he refuses to accept the government's …show more content…

Winston is a disaffected member of society who secretly rebels against the Party's control. Julia is a sexually liberated young woman who is indifferent to politics but enjoys the thrill of rebellion. O'Brien, a member of the ruling Inner Party, seems to sympathize with the rebels and offers encouragement and guidance to Winston.
However, as the story progresses, it becomes clear that the Party's control is too powerful for any individual to resist. Winston is broken down by the Party's torture and brainwashing techniques and transformed into a loyal Party member. Julia, similarly, is converted into a loyalist, betraying Winston and confessing her love for the Party. O'Brien, revealed to be a loyal Party member all along, is instrumental in breaking down Winston and Julia and converting them into loyalists.
Through the experiences of these characters, Orwell illustrates the power of totalitarianism to destroy individual freedom and the human spirit. Winston's transformation, in particular, serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of rebellion against an all-powerful regime. His initial desire to rebel against the Party is understandable, given the oppressive nature of the regime, but his failure to successfully challenge it demonstrates the futility of such rebellion in the face of overwhelming

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