
7 Years War Research Paper

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The Seven Years War, “was truly a world war in which the conflict spilled out from the American colonies to other parts of the world”. The war ended with the “Treaty Of Paris” and it also provided Great Britain with enormous territorial gains in North America but before we get to that we should talk about how it started. There were one-hundred and fifty years of conflict with the French and British which ended with the Seven Years War. The war began with the French and the First Peoples combined to force “expel” the British colonists from Ohio valley in 1754. The local fight quickly escalated into a full out war. At the beginning, in 1755, France and Britain sent out soldiers to North America, after one year, hatred spread to Europe and both …show more content…

The rebellion made the British to pass the Proclamation of 1763, it was an official order that banned the white settlers from claiming the first nations land it was intended to make peace with the First Nation Tribes after the Seven Years War, this law is the first law that began the growing dispute between the colonists and Great Britain that eventually led up to the American Revolution. It was a giant impact on the British and their colonies in North America. Now we are going to talk about how the 7 Years War affected the first nations. When the British took over the French territories at the end of the 7 Years War some First Nation Tribes were upset, The Ottawas, Ojibwas, Potawatomis and Hurons were partners with the French and did not approve of the new British rule. The nations united they had a rebellion against the British that was guided by different First Nations Chiefs. The rebellion fought against the British, and by August 1763 the First Nation forces were weakening and were willing to negotiate with the British who had agreed to listen to the First Nations. While he was representing the crown, William Johnson, met with 24 nations and over 2000 people, he acknowledged new relations and peace with the British and Iroquois, the

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