Educators Learning Styles

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4. Discussion It is reflected in Table 2 that three out of the four (3 out 4) preferences are congruent. This includes the sensing, visual and sequential preferences. Teachers prefer reflective teaching than active teaching. This means that the teachers let students to think things through. They want students to deal with a concept introspectively. They want students to deal with a material alone or with a familiar partner. As reflective teachers, they present lessons where students process objects or materials introspectively. They are more into individual thinking activities where the students observe the material at hand. They also allow ample time for students to think thoroughly. They give ample time for students to think of answers including …show more content…

As active learners, the students prefer trying things out. When in a study group working on a difficult material, they are more likely to jump in and contribute ideas. They also like to be engaged in group activities. They also like games and physical activities. They learn a lot when all senses are reached. They want to explore, enjoy while learning; in short terms, they like to be key players in the classroom. According to the International Centre for Educators’ Learning Styles, active learners love active experimentation, where they are able to test their knowledge in the real world. They want movements, actions, dances, role plays, experimentations, field works, plays, games, puzzles or any other kinesthetic platforms that will let students enjoy while learning. They do not just want to sit in the classroom; they want to be involved. They want to try it in their own. They want to experience the learning by looking into the practical applications of the lesson to their …show more content…

Conclusions Teachers’ teaching styles and students’ learning styles matched at three domains. When teaching styles matched learning styles, the teaching-learning process becomes a home of mutuality of goals, development marked by joy, and success hinted by collaboration. Teachers enjoy teaching and at the same time, students love learning. When the styles do not match, the classroom becomes chaotic, leaving the instructional goals unrealized. This makes the dream of quality education for the Department of Education shaky. Since there is one style which was found incongruent, there is, therefore, a need for the department to adopt the teaching and learning styles intervention (TLSI) proposed by this study to make the styles

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