
Child Alleges Harm Or Abuse Essay

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Describe the actions to take if a child or young person alleges harm or abuse in line who policies and procedures of own setting. If a child alleges harm or abuse it is vital that the person that they tell are trained to deal with this effectively so that the child can be reassured that they have done the right thing and that the allegation can be acted upon. The school at which I work provides regular Safeguarding training to all staff which refers to policies such as Keeping Children Safe in Education, as well as providing practical advice to all staff in the event of a disclosure. The Child Protection Policy within my own work setting states that, †̃When new staff, volunteers or regular visitors join our school they are informed of the …show more content…

Families, children and young people have the right to live free from abuse, harm and neglect. If harm or abuse is suspected or alleged the child or young person has the right to be listened to, to be respected and to kept informed and be involved (where appropriate) in any decision making. †̃Anyone working with children should see and speak to the child; listen to what they say; take their views seriously; and work with them collaboratively when deciding how to support their needs.â€TM (Working Together to Safeguard Children) The Children Act 1989 requires that local authorities give due regard to a childâ€TMs wishes when determining what services to provide. The welfare of the child always comes first and being protected from any further harm or abuse is paramount. The child or young person has every right to receive the best care possible, this may be achieved by leaving the child in the home environment with appropriate level of support, it may involve a referral to social services or if the child is viewed to be in immediate danger then removal from the family home may be appropriate. It would be the rights of the child or young person to be kept safe and to be protected from

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