
Analysis Of Mary Abigail Wambach's Use Of Rhetorical Strategies

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Wambach’s Use of Rhetorical Strategies Mary Abigail Wambach, known as Abby Wambach, is a soccer icon, a member of the National Soccer Hall of Fame, and a women’s equal rights activist. On May 21, 2018 Abby Wambach stood in front of Barnard College’s 2018 graduating class and gave an empowering speech. This speech told women they should stand up for themselves and stick together for equal rights and pay. She wanted to motivate and inspire these graduates to believe in their self worth and the women around them. To get her point across, Wambach uses pathos, ethos, and logos through rhetorical devices effectively to do this; however, there are some fallacies in the speech as well. . To start off, Abby Wambach uses pathos effectively throughout …show more content…

To illustrate, Wambach humorously talks about herself being an icon, “So it went like this: ESPN called and told me they were going to honor me with their inaugural icon award. I was humbled, of course, to be regarded as an icon. Did I mention that I’m an icon?” With Abby talking about her icon award and then asking the audience a rhetorical question about her being an icon, it creates humor and irony in her speech. In Wambach’s commencement speech, she uses herself to create credibility and to show that the audience should trust …show more content…

She talks about how the pay gap is different and that women get paid way less. Wambach states, “We talk a lot about the pay gap. We talk about how we U.S. women overall still earn only 80 cents on the dollar compared to men, and black women make only 63 cents, while Latinas make 54 cents.” Wambach states this to inspire the women of the graduating class to stick together as women, no matter what race, and fight. She proves effectively that each individual has worth and they deserve the same amount of pay. Abby Wambach uses logos to state facts and to inspire women to express

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