Analysis Of Remember The Alamo: A Symbol Of Texas Independence

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The Alamo is a symbol of Texas pride and Mexicans Independence. It was built in the1740's as a Spanish mission. The remembrance of the Alamo has brought both cultures viewing the history towards their different point of view in proclaiming the war and state. The American's point of view, they were settled first in Texas then the Mexicans tried to fight for the state wanting to claim the territory. The Mexicans wanted to proclaim the state since it was very close to the border. This is when the Texas Revolution begin they battled to claim back their land since independently owned by Texas. This battle brought lots of death and war which became an icon of the American's and Mexican's. It has been determined the battle only lasted 90 minutes. There were lots of dead bodies compiled together and burnt to ashes since there were too many to bury. The battle of the Alamo has come to symbolize the sacrifice for freedom. It is known to be the most popular tourist site in Texas. It's known of the Texas Freedom of El Grito. …show more content…

The Mexican had expanded their land towards Texas and the Americans did the same. The Alamo was already part of Mexico. The people in Texas wanted to separate due to the Mexicans laws, religion, and politics and did not want to pay taxes to the Mexicans homeland. A lot of the Texan citizen were American immigrants who were accustomed to the laws and freedoms of the United States. They did not respect the culture and beliefs of Mexico. The Texans wanted to be part of the United

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