Analysis Of Timeless Tales Of Mythology

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Edith Hamiltions Mythology Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes

Edith Hamiltions Mythology Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes is know as one of the most interesting and diverse books on mythology. Not only does her book contain information on Greek and Roman mythology Norse Mythology also appears in the end of the book. Hamilton also creates a new narrative for many gods like Zeus and Hera showing many of they 're personality traits that return in many myths. Although Mythology is mostly known as a book retelling myths for the modern person to understand that was not Hamiltions main goal. Edith Hamilton not only wanted to share her love for mythology she wanted to start a narrative about how the people of the past thought. Mythology Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes is mostly known as a book on Greek mythology even though it contains Norse and Roman mythology. Roman and Greek mythology are extremely similar she separates each myth by calling the gods and goddesses by they 're respected names. “ In her introduction, she gives her reason for studying these myths, as she sees them as precursors to Western thought and useful to modern Americans.”(LitCharts.). Edith Hmailtion’s passion for all kinds of mythology started the fire that turned Mythology into a well known book. Hamilton also used Mythology to share knowledge of the past with modern people. Although Mythology was first released in 1942 it was rereleased in 1990, 27 years after her death(“Edith Hamilton 's Mythology

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