
Analyze The Impact Of Industrialization On Workers From 1865 To 1914

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After the Civil War, there was a growth of industrialization in the United States. The United States went from being some factories and some farms to being a lot of factories and some farms. Industrialization had a big impact in the United States, but the workers were the people who were affected the most. In 1865 to 1914, industrialization was big. In this time period, around 14 million people came to the United States in hopes of finding work. Industrialization did bring good things to America, such as work to a lot of people, even though you would be payed about $1 to 2$ a day. Although industrialization was beneficial to some people, it still created some problems in the United States, including strikes made by workers. The industrialization era between 1865 to 1914 impacted workers greatly with their work conditions and their wages, along …show more content…

On May 1, 1886, workers mounted a nation demonstration pleading for an 8 hour work day. “Eight hours for work, eight hours for rest, eight hours for what we will” is what they shouted. After, there were numerous strikes is many cities. One in which, was at Chicago’s McCormick reaper factory. There was a fight between the workers on strike, and the scabs. (Scabs are people who are a fill in for the workers on strike to keep a company running.) The police showed up and there were many killed and injured. Many leaders of labor unions, groups of workers in an organized association, joined in a protest rally on May 4th, in Haymarket Square in Chicago. At the Haymarket Square, someone threw a bomb at a police formation which killed 7 officers. This led to a riot in which dozens of people were killed and four anarchists were hanged. This event would be known as the Haymarket Riot. With these strikes, the people responded to the problems that came from the industrialization by mostly violent ways. The government, though, did not resort to violence for an

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