
Ancient Greek Democracy Dbq Analysis

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Democracy, a noun that means the society is governed by the people, a system of voting, and majority rules. In ancient Greece, demokratia, otherwise known as democracy can be battered down into demo, and kratia. Demo, meaning the people, and kratia meaning the power or rule. Together it means rule by the people. The purpose of this essay is to prove that ancient Greece wasn’t truly democratic. There are two major parties in this civilization, the democrats, and the republicans. The democrats are considered Liberal, and left-leaning, whereas the republicans are conservative, and right-leaning. Although ancient Greece had a few democratic ideas, some ideas such as women weren’t allowed to vote, is not under the category of a true democracy. All people are equal, so why weren’t women allowed to vote? …show more content…

Not only do you have to be an eighteen year old male, but you have to be voted into citizenship. Ancient Greece's idea of democracy dichotomy from how we interpret democracy.
Continuing on with the idea of voting into citizenship, “If the court decides that he has no right to be enrolled as a citizen, he is sold by Athens as a slave.” (Document B) Being a citizen should not be decided by a group of people who are already citizens. It is cruel and unfair if the court does not like you so, you become a slave. In document E, “Ostracism is a great way to eliminate a weaker but annoying rival.” (Document E)This means that any citizen can be banished, through a vote, in which majority rules. This is also unfair because this has nothing to do with a democracy.
Ancient Greece was not a true democracy. Consequently, the mistakes made ultimately lead to ancient Greece’s downfall, Although they had some things under control, they made many mistakes that the government has learned from. That is the point of

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