
Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Policy During The Jacksonian Era

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The Native American's, during the Jacksonian Era, were the people who suffered the worst treatment during Andrew Jackson's vison. Andrew Jackson's Indian Removal Policy show's the brutal mistreatment of the Native American's who were forced to leave their homelands. Jackson's plan/vision was to remove all the Indian's whom resided on lands east of the Mississippi River in order for American Settlers to live, and for speculators to sell and make profit from these lands as well (ushistory.org, 2014). Many American settlers viewed the Indians as savages, and less than whites. They wanted the lands that the tribes lived on to have more space to produce cotton. These lands were occupied by the Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chicasaw, and Siminole Indian tribes. Andrew Jackson favored the idea of Indian Removal. In 1814 Jackson commanded military forces to take out much of the Creek tribe. After their defeat, a treaty was forced upon the …show more content…

He decided to approach the removal of the Indians with legal recourse. About a year after being elected as President, Andrew Jackson passed the "Indian Removal Act" on May 28th, 1830, stating that the President had the right to grant land West of the Mississippi River to Indians in return that they agree to give up their land. The Act also allowed for the Indians to get the fincial help they would need while traveling to their newly located homelands, and that they would live under the protection of the U.S Government (Office of the Historian, 2014). Some of the Indians in the tribes relocated under these rights, but most were reluctant and refused to do so. The Cherokees ended up going to the Supreme Court in 1831, this case was known as the Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia case. The court was in favor of the Cherokee, and stated that they had the right to self government. However, Georgia refused to abide by the decision, and President Jackson refused to enforce it (pbs.org,

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