
Arrogance Of Mr Darcy

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Jane Austen’s novel Pride and Prejudice tells the story of a young girl’s quest to find love. Elizabeth Bennet, the protagonist, is forced to overcome the smothering hold that society has on her if she ever wishes to become truly happy. Not only is Elizabeth expected to marry whomever her family deems fit because she is a woman, but the Bennet’s are not wealthy or respected members of the small community of Longbourn. Elizabeth refuses to conform to these preconceived beliefs society possesses about how she should behave and challenges their ideals, finally performing the biggest feat of all, marrying Mr. Darcy. Pride and Prejudice is commonly alluded to through the character Mr. Darcy in films, television shows, novels, articles, poems, and …show more content…

Darcy is revealed. Darcy refuses to dance with anyone at the ball and even continues to say that Elizabeth is not beautiful rather she is “tolerable” (Austen 13). Attending a ball and not dancing was unheard of in the early 1800s and considered disrespectful. Mr. Darcy was so prideful he believed no one present at the ball was good enough to dance with him. Darcy’s superciliousness is reinforced when Austen states that “He was the proudest, most disagreeable man in the world, and everybody hoped that he would never come there again” (Austen 13). Elizabeth’s mother Mrs. Bennet also continues on to say “‘Lizzy does not lose much by not suiting his fancy; for he is a most disagreeable, horrid man, not at all worth pleasing’” (Austen 15). His immense haughtiness became famous and is often alluded to. In an article from The Atlantic, Friedersdorf discusses former presidential candidate Rand Paul by stating that “ [voters] weren’t going to back a man they hardly know, especially a man, who like Mr. Darcy, seems at first to rub people the wrong way” (Friedersdorf). The initial arrogance Darcy displays parallels the view society possesses regarding social rank and class. Because Darcy was born into an affluent family, he is considered better than those who have less. His social class is predetermined and places him above those who are not respected. Mr. Darcy grew up in an environment where he was taught that he was better …show more content…

Darcy is unparalleled. While at first glance he may seem supercilious and prideful in reality he is one of the most altruistic characters of the entire novel. After Elizabeth’s sister Lydia elopes with a military officer, Wickham, Mr. Darcy decides to pay for their wedding in order to keep the Bennet’s from public disgrace. Austen even goes to state that “he was generous, she doubted not, as the most generous of his sex” (Austen 301). In an article from The Atlantic, Christina Schwarz alludes to Darcy when saying that though her fiance “would soon be her confidante, lover, and husband, he would never be Mr. Darcy” (Schwarz). Though the author clearly loves her partner, Mr. Darcy is such a kind and caring person no one could ever compare to him. These amiable characteristics set Darcy above the fray of society. He is no longer concern about his social status or rank; rather, his love for Elizabeth becomes more important.
Pride and Prejudice serves as a mechanism through which Austen criticizes the unfair restrictions society places on women and those who are less fortunate. Austen’s novel is described as “illuminating ‘the difficult and delicate reconciliation of the sensitively developed individual with the terms of his social existences’” by James Sherry in his critical essay (Sherry). Alluding to Mr. Darcy allows individuals comment on the ignorance and the unjust prejudices modern life has and illuminate them for all to

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