
Articles Of Confederation Pros And Cons

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In the year 1787, Alexander Hamilton decided that the United States had to amend the Articles of Confederation, and sent out an invitation to the thirteen colonies. The meeting included 55 delegates from twelve colonies. The Constitutional Convention was a meeting that determined whether or not the Articles of Confederation were going to be kept or disregarded. A revolution is usually a violent attempt by many people to end the rule of one government and start a new one: a sudden, extreme, or complete change in the way people live, work, etc. (Merriam Webster Dictionary). The Constitution is the system of beliefs and laws by which a country, state, or organization is governed (Merriam Webster Dictionary). Despite the fact that the nation had …show more content…

The Articles of Confederation had created a basic foundation for the government, but the Constitution had expanded the government further, trying to help alleviate the problems. The Constitution gave the national and state governments the power of levying taxes on the citizens to pay off the debt. The idea that was created came for the government "to pay for its significant expenditures during the Revolution[.] Congress had two options: print more money or obtain loans to meet the budget deficit. In practice it did both, but relied more on the printing of money, which led to hyperinflation" (US Department of State "U.S. Debt and Foreign Loans, 1775–1795"). One thing that the government had to keep in mind when creating more money, or borrowing money, was that the value of the original dollar would then decrease significantly. Thus, since the value of the dollar decreased, it driven the lower classes further down into their own debt. Although printing money or borrowing it had caused problems, the Constitution had wanted everything to be equal, instead of free, as it was under the Articles of Confederation. The U.S. Government faced many debt problems throughout its time, but because of the Constitution, it started to slowly bring the government, and its people, out of the debt by enforcing exact liberties …show more content…

When writing the Constitution, the Federalists, which included Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay, had stated the rights and liberties of the civilians within the Constitution. Alexander Hamilton, a federalist, believed that if a Bill of Rights was to be created then the whole idea of republican government would fall apart. As stated in a federalist letter, " [the constitution] would contain various exceptions to powers not granted, and on this very account would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than were granted”(Federalist No. 71, Alexander Hamilton). The Constitution stated that all free people had equal rights. Rights that were implicit, which connected to fixing all the problems within the government and the people. The Constitution changed the government by giving equal powers and rights to the state and national

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