
Bay Of Pigs Case Study

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The Bay of Pigs was an invasion to Cuba by the United States to try and establish a non-communist government. Fidel Castro was the leader of Cuba and he wasn’t liked by the United States. President Dwight Eisenhower was the original starter of the whole plan and was carried out later by John F. Kennedy. The United States had no idea that Cuba had found out about this mission over a radio broadcast and were not prepared for such a counter. They tried their hardest to set up a successful plan, but sadly it didn’t end that way; many were captured and some killed. The invasion was a failure for the United States and made them look weak.

1. Background information

Cuba had joined into the Cold war and there was a new strong leader in place called …show more content…

If the attack was not kept secret it was obvious that Castro was intelligent enough to be able to plan a counterattack towards the US before they arrived. John F. Kennedy and the CIA felt it was better this way that there would be no chance of World War III starting. He did it to try and get rid of communism and to feel like there wouldn’t be any threats against the US or other countries. This plan, if successful would have benefited other countries as well. It was kept a secret to ensure its success and to benefit plenty of others out …show more content…

People died and the other Cuban exiles were captured as prisoners. It was a sad day for the US but a happy one for Cuba. It showed that Fidel Castro wasn’t a weak man and was prepared for what came his way. He was smart enough to guide his country. He proved his strength and showed what he was capable of which made him even more popular in Cuba. America’s image was not a good one after this plan. It made them look weak. Many Americans after this catastrophe did not like John F. Kennedy’s Presidency. This was one of Kennedy’s first actions taken in office. Although Kennedy was a proud American with lots of pride for his country, this disaster didn’t help his good reputation at all, instead the United States were disappointed by all this. He had lots of pressure to try and prove to his people that he was capable of leading America and making smart decisions, to be able to implement successful plans. The Bay of Pigs was a huge disaster and showed that America needed to try harder to prove their strength to the

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