
Benjamin Franklin Research Paper Outline

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Benjamin Franklin was always loved to read and write and it led him to his amazing accomplishments.
Some of his accomplishments he had were in all subjects that are in schools today.
His accomplishments consisted of the first battery, the bifocal glasses, and he made the Odometer.
4 (thesis statement)
There are so many reasons that Benjamin Franklin should be remembered.

Body Paragraph #1 : _The battery __________________________
Benjamin Franklin should be remembered because of his success in creating the first battery.
From the article the Amazing Adventures of Ben Franklin it said “Franklin also discovered the difference between conductors and insulators of electricity.”
This evidence shows me that Benjamin …show more content…

I found in the article The Amazing Adventures of Benjamin Franklin it says “Tired of changing eye glasses to see near and far.”
This quote shows me that if people use Bifocal glasses then how could people forget about their maker.
Another quote in the article The Amazing Adventures of Ben Franklin said “Franklin simply combined two pairs into one.”
This quote shows me that when he combined the two that no one has ever made done this and he is the only one that's done this before.
The last quote I found in the article the amazing adventures of Benjamin Franklin it states “He praised his device as allowing him to see both his dinner and who was speaking to him.”
This quote shows me that he was confident in his work and he was probably thinking I will never be forgotten once I make these glasses.
That is just a few reasons that Benjamin Franklin can never be forgotten.

Body Paragraph #3 : _The_lightning rods_________________________
The last reason that I think that Ben Franklin can not be forgotten is because of his amazing discovery with the key connected to the lightning …show more content…

I also found in the text that it says “His Revolutionary idea was to conduct electricity safely into the ground to save buildings from fires.”
This quote shows me that Benjamin Franklin was the only one that one Revolutionary discovery.
The last citation that I had found from the article states “ The simple metal rod connected to a wire made Franklin famous throughout Europe and the

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