Biological Factors In Nursing

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Human development happens continuously throughout ones lifespan as we develop and change. Genes exemplify biological factors in human development. Some biological factors are visible, for example skin tone and hair color. Some biological factors are unobserved, for instance genetic abnormalities and risks for diseases. From a biopsychosocial perspective what one becomes is the product of genes, or biological forces. Psychological factors involve effects like coping skills, or temperament. The biopsychosocial methodology to human development views one's psychological characteristic as dominant factors in how one develops and changes over time. Social influences are comprised of the relationships that one has, one's environment, and cultural …show more content…

At the core of both patient centeredness and cultural competence, however, is the importance of seeing the patient as a unique person (Beach et al., 2006). The instance a nurse meets patients; three cultures meet as well, the nurse’s culture, the patient’s culture and the setting’s. Nurses need to apply their understanding of cultural diversity to foster culturally sensitive nursing care. This facilitates nurses to be more efficient in managing nursing assessments and being a patient’s …show more content…

Beach, Saha, and Cooper (2006) concisely summarize the prominence of cultural competency in the following manner: “Both patient-centeredness and cultural competence aim to improve health care quality, but each emphasizes different aspects of quality. The primary goal of the patient-centeredness movement has been to provide individualized care and restore an emphasis on personal relationships. It aims to elevate quality for all patients. Alternatively, the primary aim of the cultural competence movement has been to increase health equity and reduce disparities by concentrating on people of color and other disadvantaged populations” (p. 7). Culturally competent nurses advocates for patients regardless of cultural differences. Hollinger-Smith (n.d) “A health care professional who has learned cultural competence engages in assistive, supportive, facilitative, or enabling acts that are tailor-made to fit with individual, group,
or institutional cultural values, beliefs, and lifeways in order to provide quality health care” (p. 2). Nurses look to profit from a better health care system and practice mutual respect, formality, thoughtfulness and overall good