Building The Fence Analysis

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A fence is a barrier put up to protect what's inside of it , protect as in not letting unwanted things in and wanted things out. Troy is the husband of Rose , father of Cory and Lyon, brother of Gabe. Troy loves all the people I called out and wanted to keep them inside of the fence to protect them. In his process of building the fence to keep them all in he was slowly pushing them all away from him. His purpose was keeping them in to be closer to them and keeping death out , it wasnt that he was scared of death he just felt as if it wasn't his time yet. Rose is a good woman who loves troy and would do anything in her power for him. Thing is troy hardly ever comes home meaning she hardly gets to see him , which causes her to miss him and his presence. The thing that really got her was when she found out troy had a baby on the way by another women.As heartbroken, as she was she stayed with him and agreed to help with the baby but only because she said the baby had nothing to do with what troy and Alberta did. Basically her fence was to keep troy at home and now that there's a baby she kinda has that. …show more content…

Troy couldn’t read and signed over Gabe’s stuff. It was actually a good thing that Gabe moved away because that made him be over his own money.” Act 1 page 22” The money he got went to the rooms he was renting , even though he gets a check he still likes to make money on his own. The mental illness affects him but not in the way you would think he still wants to provide for himself and everything else. He knew Troy was mad at him but for what reason he never knew , every time Troy would decline his anger. If you ask me he was angry because now he wouldn’t get his brothers

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