
Carol Oats 'We Were The Molaneys' Analysis

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In the passage given from "we were the Molaneys (1996)" the creator Gorge Carol Oates's use of literary technique include imagery, syntax, Mullaney, and symbolism to characterize the speaker of the nove Mulvaney as an intelligent and responsible 12-year-old. one way that Oates is able to try this is, by the way, Judd's world and entirely disclosing his thoughts. Another way is by the way syntax is being used to think to himself and by his own nature.
In the first lines of the passage, it is apprehension that Oats is using imagery to convey the purpose of his writing. She begins by portraying and describing Judas straddling his bike started down into the water not only as just passing by, but straddle and "staring" like in deep though will …show more content…

Instead, he states, he was able to see but “only the dark shape of a head that could be anybody’s head”. If water is again referenced to life it can be said that Judd realizes that as far as Life is concerned, he is but another undistinguished common folk. This idea is supported by what immediately follows which states that he was hypnotizing himself” the way kids do. Lonely kids, or not realizing they’re lonely.” Judd then goes on describe the railing over which he was leaning, informing the reader that they were “pretty damn rotten” and had suggested that thre two of them replace them whit new planks together. At this point he is will not fully aware that just as he thinks about replacing the rails because they have their useful time. He himself will also be replaced after he is past his young useful …show more content…

Judd noticed his heart beating “ONEtwothree ONEtwothree!” which introduces faster pace to the writing, augmenting the seriousness of what is occurring in a much more effective way that separating the heartbeats and using a comma or hyphen between them would have. Oats then goes on to use repetition when Judd thinks about how “Every heartbeat is past and gone! Every heartbeat is past and gone!” that depicts the extreme feeling that comes over Judd as his life is breathing away. As he thinks about this, he asks himself if, not “I”, but if “Judd Mulvane ,”could die. By using his name instead of the word “I” he is distancing himself from the fact that he realized that he too will die, trying to make it seem as if it was another person’s problem and he would not have to deal with it although he is well aware how “on a farm living things are dying, dying , dying all the time,” and repeats the word “dying” to show the ominous could that now looms over

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