Waste Management In Hospitality Sector

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Waste management is the precise for the collection, transportation, and disposal or recycling and monitoring of waste. This term is assigned to the waste material that is produced through human being activity. This material is managed to avoid its adverse effect over human health and environment.
Waste management is a key aspect of the environmental management of establishments belonging to the hospitality sector. In this study I will review literature in Cyprus, examining the waste management status in the Hospitality sector, with a focus on food waste management in particular. An account is given of the causes of the different types of waste encountered in this sector and what strategies may be used to reduce them.
These strategies are further …show more content…

But the best way to reduce waste is to prevent waste occurring in the first place.
Municipal waste generation in Cyprus is significantly higher than the EU average. This might be due to the high number of tourists visiting the country. The waste management system in Cyprus is constrained by the lack of appropriate facilities to treat waste or hazardous waste and as a result, there is an 80% of landfilling of the generated waste.
All organizations should aim to prevent waste from the outset wherever possible. However, if this is not possible, then consider re-using, recycling or recovering other value. Not all wastes can be prevented, re-used, recycled or used for the recovery of other value, so you will need to dispose of them in a responsible manner. Waste disposal has the greatest impact on the environment and is typically the least cost-effective waste management solution. Therefore, it is best to aim to ‘move up’ the waste hierarchy so that you can save money, raw materials, water and energy – as well as improving your environmental reputation. (WRAP_Waste_Mapping_Guide, …show more content…

By knowing the total cost of a raw material, like metal, paper, or water, and the amount of the final product, the proportion of waste can be calculated, as well as the actual cost to the organization.
Waste can be dealt with in a number of ways, but the most effective is by following the waste hierarchy which waste management options in terms of sustainability. The waste management hierarchy is divided into five categories.
The first step is reduce which says that you have to minimize the amount of waste produced, and generally the most effective way to reduce waste is not to create it in the first place. Making a new product requires a lot of materials and energy. Raw materials must be extracted from the earth, and the product must be fabricated then transported to wherever it will be sold.
Some examples of reduction, in general, are that different businesses, organizations and houses should start thinking of what they really want to buy and not exceed that. Some products are cleaning materials, cooking products where in businesses such as hotels and restaurants are bought some time without checking the amount and usage of the product and buy more and at the end they threw a

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