
Chapter 3 Summary

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Chapter 3: Ethics and Politics in Social Research

It is critical to have a clear understanding of the ethical standards involved in conducting research. The scientific inquiry must be structured in a manner that does not negatively impact the subjects being study. Research will often require some type of intrusion into the lives of the groups that are being studied. To some extent it will also involve a deeper examination or revelation of issues that are often found to personal to reveal in public (Babbie, 2014). These revelations could lead to a great deal of angst and turmoil if personally identifiable information were revealed as part of the larger compilation. For this reason, individuals must not be compelled to participate, rather …show more content…

It is imperative that observations are made in a deliberate manner that will aid in the acquisition of measurements. Our individual senses may be skewed, or ill prepared to capture the necessary data at the rate that it is presented. In order to supplement this ability, it may be advantageous to utilize available technology such as photographs or recordings (Babbie, 2017). In addition, errors could be the result of overgeneralization, assuming facts based on a limited sample of data. Selective observation (seeing only the desired results) and illogical reasoning (excepting something as fact that is not validated by known facts) (Babbie, …show more content…

Scientific descriptions must be more precise than the cursory observation. The qualitative nature of social science research means that that this information will be utilized in order to draw larger conclusions, determining patterns and their meanings (Babbie, 2017).
The explanatory component seeks to address the why in sociology research. Utilizing the information that is compiled, this process engages in the deeper meaning of the data. It is not enough to know that X number of individuals feel a certain way, instead researchers identify the variables that have shaped those thoughts. Through the use of previously compile information, the foundation of various ideas begins to reach clarity, allowing the formulation of the why (Babbie, 2017). Through the understanding of the purpose of research, the critical consumer is better able to come to terms with the results. Often information is presented without guidance as to its purpose and meaning. When this occurs it leaves the casual consumer of this information to their own devices in the interpretation of the

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