
Child Development Theories And Analysis

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“Theory of development deals with change over time and is usually concerned with three things. First, it should describe changes over time within an area or several areas of development. Second, it should describe changes among areas of development. Third, it should explain these changes.” (Aldridge & Goldman, 2014) Theories are design for educators to appreciate the process of how children learn, think and ultimately become an effective and efficient part of society.

Constructivist theory is the driving force that will guide interactions within my educational setting. Constructivist theories focus on development through interactions with people and the environment. The theory supports strategies of Dewey, Piaget, Vygotsky, and Montessori …show more content…

Vygotsky views incorporate learning and development as a social event, collaborative activity between adults and children. According to constructivist theory, students construct an understanding in their minds which is facilitated by programs that support collaborative interactions that enhance the learning environment. Zone of Proximal Development aids as a standard for lesson planning, which includes influences from teacher sessions and children for the need for scaffolding to support learning.

“Scholarly research on the relationship between teacher qualifications and child outcomes now supports the notion that, first and foremost, teachers must have knowledge, skills, and dispositions about child development and learning; after those components are in place, love of children can be added to the “quality equation.” (Swim, 2008) The elements that are essential to provide a quality childcare program are education, diversity and skilled staff.

The most important factor in a quality care setting would be the educational element. The question follows as what are the centers views on education and what are the developmental theories followed by the owner or corporation. The educational structure has to be creative to promote social and communication skills that stimulates and engages students. By developing learning activities within a safe environment will contribute to a quality early childhood

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