College Athletes Should Be Paid

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The film “Schooled” makes many arguments to support the claim that the NCAA is taking advantage of college athletes. One way the NCAA has the ability to control these athletes is by giving these student athletes the title of amateurs. This title of amateur says that the athletes will be playing for the love of the game and not for money. This also means that the athletes will be offered something priceless in exchange for their playing abilities, which is a free education. During this time as an athlete these students are not able to persue any other kind of income since all of their time is taken up by participating in their sport and followed by school. Many of the athletes who were interviewed during the movie said there was barely any time for homework or studying since there was such a focus on athletics. These athletes also spoke about their inability to have seek other funds. Adriane Foster who played football for the University of Tennessee recalled a time where he had just played in a huge game and went back to his dorm where he and his teammates were starving since they had no money to buy any food. After calling his coach to tell him they were starving, the coach bought his players tacos, which is technically an NCAA violation. The next day the coach came to …show more content…

The film described how there is no D league or farm program for the NFL. For those aspiring NFL players, playing football in college and being an amateur by NCAA terms in the only path one can take to reach the professional league. This prevents athletes from speaking about any injustices because their coaches control their scholarship and it must be renewed each year. The coach has the ability to pull that scholarship if a player is not preforming or following NCAA standards. For a shot at the pros and a free education athletes must follow the amateur code enforced by the

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