
Essay Comparing The Lottery And The Hunger Games

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“Man is the only creature who refuses to be what he is” (Albert Camus qtd. in Goodreads). Throughout history, the essence of human nature has been meticulously questioned and debated by philosophers, scientists, believers, and all other manners of individuals. Some argue that humans trend towards altruism, having a natural desire to provide assistance and aid to others. However, this viewpoint is quite rare when compared to its counterpart. The most prevailing and pessimistic line of thinking asserts that humans, at their core, are inclined towards savagery and barbarism, even in a civilized setting. This stance has been reflected in countless pieces of literature, such as Shirley Jackson’s short story, “The Lottery,” and Suzanne Collins’s …show more content…

The novel takes place in Panem, a nation made up of an upper-class metropolis known as the Capitol, as well as twelve servile districts that surround it. These districts are oppressed and exploited by the Capitol, which holds a lottery each year in order to choose “tributes” for a competition called the Hunger Games. Through this drawing, the Capitol selects a boy and a girl from each district and forces them to fight within a massive arena until there is only one tribute left alive. The Capitol claims that the event is both punishment for a rebellion from the districts and a memorial for those lost during the revolt, but presents it as an exciting spectacle that is televised all around Panem. The Capitol holds the Hunger Games in order to keep the districts in line, viewing those living in them as uncultured dangers to society who could rebel the moment they feel empowered. Ironically, it is the citizens and officials of the Capitol who display the most startling lack of empathy and humanity. They live extravagantly decadent lives and have access to excessive amounts of resources that enable their hedonistic lifestyles. This is reflected in their vibrant and outlandish sense of fashion, especially when compared to the dull grays and browns of district attire. The residents of the

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