Basic Concept Of Paraphrasing Essay

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Basic Concept of Paraphrasing Literally, paraphrasing is restating someone’s opinion in your own style. Several experts have different perspective in addressing paraphrasing in its basic definition. Kissner (2006) defined that “paraphrasing is, quite simply, restating ideas in different words. A reader (or listener) can choose to paraphrase one statement, a group of statements, or an entire passage”. In addition to prior statements, an article from Higher stated that paraphrasing is a verb which describing a way to restate phrase or sentence with the same meaning, yet using different words. Accordingly, paraphrasing is “achieved by the use of synonyms, changing the word form or rearranging the sentence structure” (Badiozaman, 2014, p.50). Additionally, Campbell (as cited in Hirvela & Du, 2013) expressed that paraphrasing in re-wording one’s opinion, by using different phrases and …show more content…

467). In other words, literature review is how someone selects and utilizes the sources as their background theories in writing process. Critical thinking is necessary due to examine the gathered source which needs paraphrasing as one of the techniques to put up the ideas in one’s writing. The process of paraphrasing as the source integrated activity refers to the term textual borrowing concept which defined as one of the writing from the source or textual borrowing technique which is defined as the process of implementing some information in writing a scientific paper (Amsberry, 2010). Developing a critical thinking based on the reading material in order to argue one’s opinion is the essence of textual borrowing (Howard,, 2010). To put the results of the critical thinking, one must deliver their comprehension from the reading material in their

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