Harry Potter Case Analysis

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• Consistent Brand Image: Inconsistency in the brand message can create confusion. Rowling from the beginning of the series created a particular brand image of the series and through continuous control ensured that the brand image was not dubious or ambiguous despite the diverse extensions of the Harry Potter brand. J.K. Rowling envisioned an image she wanted to create using the Harry Potter story. As a brand guardian, she carefully manoeuvred the journey of the whole brand and its extensions through almost a quarter century. Maintaining a consistent brand image may demand a payoff as in the case of Rowling’s financial sacrifice in the film agreement to maintain her position as brand guardian. Yet it is this consistent brand communications …show more content…

Most of what the promoters had done was a first time experience for them never having worked with such a brand before that. Despite the rules this brand broke, its success was an unstoppable force. For a children’s fantasy book, Harry Potter was too lengthy and was also considered as dark in its element. Not just this, but Rowling also worked on the story without a target segment in mind which in actuality is against the recommended method of market segmentation but which only widened the possible audience of the series. In this manner, those nuances that could have very well become weaknesses turned into the brand’s strength. However, whether this is a replicable methodology remains to be …show more content…

Harry Potter was unique, original and fresh in its outlook. Its successors also need to be different with a solid foundation of those factors that triggered the success of Harry Potter. The almost impossible to copy and recreate element is chance. A stroke of luck is that fuel that catapults the brand to proportions of epic levels as Harry Potter. But that does not mean that success cannot be achieved but only that recreating historical success needs a touch of chance. This chance is also influenced by planned efforts as with Rowling using a unique black cover for her sample manuscript. Understanding the play of luck is complex because it is not dissectible for examination. It is not replicable atleast deliberately and it is not predictable. Same efforts may not lead to the same results, and sometimes even in the same situation and timing. That is the power of good luck. But it is not all despair for aspirers because a generous dosage of serendipity boosted Harry Potter across countries and oceans but then it was the conscious and planned execution of the project that has established it in the hearts of the audience. With determined efforts and a strong foundation, recreating the success of Harry Potter is possible maybe not to epic proportions but atleast to laudable

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