
Cuban Missile Crisis Dbq

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Cuba from 1959 was a Dictatorship under the control of Fidel Castro. Castro’s Cuba was a communist Cuba, he nationalised all the companies that America owned and made them Cuban, as well as finding friendship in the Soviet Union, leading to the Americans to enforce a trade embargo with hopes of it forcing Cuba into becoming a democracy and not a communist state which many believed to be the reason behind the Cuban Missile Crisis between America, Cuba and the Soviet Union in 1962. Fidel Castro’s rule started off in 1959 by benefitting the people; in the first years he increased the literacy rate to a state where illiteracy was virtually eradicated, he abolished legal discrimination, provided full employment, electricity to the …show more content…

Castro set up policies to improve education which was “regarded as the key to the future” Source E, he created teacher-training institutes and the number of schools quintupled, illiteracy virtually disappeared during Castro’s Dictatorship, and education was made free from nursery school through to university as made evident in source E. This improvement of education can be argued to have resulted in the mass exile and dissatisfaction with Fidel Castro’s policies, as the Cuban people were now educated enough to see past the good healthcare and cultural improvements and were able to see the personal freedoms and the economic issues Castro’s dictatorship caused. It can be argued that Fidel Castro may have benefitted his people in some ways but, to a large extent, his policies didn’t benefit them. He jailed everyone who opposed him, ruined the economy by making Cuba a communist country and relying heavily on the Soviet Union, and led hundreds of thousands of Cuban people to flee the country, a quarter million out of a six million population left after the first 3 years after the revolution, many of them being the educated such as professionals like doctors, lawyers, and technicians as evident in source C, this supports the argument that Castro’s educational advances opened the public’s eyes and caused them to leave as his policies did not benefit the people to a large extent as he took away many personal, and political

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