
Similarities And Differences Between The American Revolution And The Cuban Revolution

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El Líder, the leader of the Cuban Revolution once said, “A revolution is a struggle to the death between the future and the past.” He is saying that a revolution is an event that changes the future and leaves the past behind. Similar to El Líder, George Washington was an extremely influential leader of the American Revolution. This quote relates directly to understanding why the Cuban and American Revolution occurred, and what its role is from Dreaming in Cuban. Although taking place in different time periods, similarities and differences exist between the leaders of the American and the Cuban Revolution; likewise, similarities and differences present themselves between the cause and conclusion of both revolutions. The American Revolution …show more content…

El Líder was a more powerful public figure than George Washington. The author states, “Celia hitchhikes to the Plaza de la Revolución, where El Líder, wearing his customary fatigues, is making a speech. Workers pack the square, cheering his words that echo and collide in midair” (Garcia 75). This quote shows the impact that El Líder had on the people of his country during the revolution. Although George Washington was a great leader, he was not a powerful public figure until the decline of the American revolution. Unlike El Líder, George Washington was not carried away by the power that his position entitled. Karyn Parsons, an American actress says, “I often say of George Washington that he was one of the few in the whole history of the world who was not carried away by power.” El Líder became known as a force of change in Cuba because he understood the power that he possessed and took advantage of any opportunities to expand that power. George Washington was different because he was selfless with the power that he had. Both leaders had a driving passion for their respected revolutions. In a quote from the novel, “El Líder, it seems, saves his most ardent passions for the revolution” (Garcia 163). He was so fervid about his revolution that he would give anything to see it succeed. George Washington was also passionate about his revolution to a point where he risked death by …show more content…

The American and Cuban Revolutions both ended with a victory for the revolutionaries. From the text, “Her son was almost thirteen when the revolution triumphed (Garcia 174-175).” Celia is describing a time in her past when the Cuban revolution was successful and brought about a change to socialism. Like Cuba, the United States also won their revolution and created a free country. A liberal democracy was created from the American Revolution and written down in a declaration. In the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” (2). These are the famous words of the Declaration of Independence, and these words are what the United States would use to mold its future. Cuba did not produce a declaration after their revolution because they chose socialism instead of a liberal democracy. The Cuban Revolution resulted in a dictatorship run my El Líder. In a letter from Celia, “The Civil War came and went and now there are dictatorships in both our countries” (Garcia 148). This quote is in a letter from Celia to her secret lover Gustavo who resides in Spain. It shows that after the revolution, Cuba became a dictatorship. The Cuban and American Revolution ended in similar ways, but what each

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