
Definition Essay On Religion

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2. Religion
2.1. Definition of Religion
Religion is a set of beliefs, morals, and values that people practice to guide their lives in a spiritual manner. Religion entails traditions, customs and cultures that influences people to live a life of morality and can be shared among communities and societies. It is a linkage to our inner beings and through the belief of God to dedicate our lives in helping others and in the pursuit of self happiness.
As noted by Parvati Raghuram "For many, religion relates primarily to belief systems with a commitment to some normative values and some social order" (Skeleton & Allen, 1999) . Religion offers a structure that facilitates honourable thinking and encourages individuals to act sincerely in a formidable …show more content…

South Africa has a vast range of religious groups. To list a few of the many religions we will be briefly discussing, are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and African Culture. However there are many more.
Every religious group serves a significant purpose to promote oneself as being spiritually motivated, with each individual possessing unique moral teachings, a code of conduct, values and norms. An individual who is well acquainted in the belief of following a specific religion, lives their life according to a set of principles and guidelines in carrying out certain actions and assisting in the decision making of what will seem acceptable and ethical in both the corporate sector and in society as a whole.
Each religious group is just as significant and important as the next. Each group follows a specific holy book, in which they can reference their beliefs and practices. According to Christianity, Christians believe in the 'Holy Bible ' together with the 'Ten Commandments '. It is a set of guiding principles to live accordingly, as to how God would want them to live their lives in a desirable manner. These 'Ten Commandments ' amends a person to behave in society as well as in the business world according to what is right and ethically

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